Renaissance and early Baroque music for instrumental or vocal consorts, in accurate editions compiled by Sabine Cassola and Maria Roth, with some contributions by Bruno Schiffels.
This collection, the fruit of many years of musical activity by the transcribers, is published here with the intention of providing an aid to the practical musician; the transcriptions do not therefore claim to be critical editions. Musicians will find it particularly useful that most editions provide both score and separate parts which in some previous scientific publications such as Musica Britannica where missing.
©Sabine Cassola
A. H. M., Meine Sehle Erhebet / den hern a doj Canti / e 5. viol di Gambe [facsimile in Uppsala library]
Agricola, Georg Ludwig, Ich will schweigen a 4 voci con 4 viole di gamba [more info]
Agricola, Georg Ludwig (attributed), Kommet her zu mir alle, see anonymous
Ahle, Johann Rudolph, Herr, nun lästu deinen Diener a 5
Ahle, Johann Georg, Hüter ist die Nacht schier dahin [more info]
Alberti, Innocenzio [?], Pavin of Alberti, MB XLIV, n. 97, p. 93
Alison, Richard, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 150, p. 49
Anonymous, Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein. for alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Anonymous, A Galliard (from the „Hamond“ Book), MB XLIV, n. 112, p. 106
Anonymous, Duo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 113, p. 3
Anonymous, Duo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 114, p.3
Anonymous, [Fantasia], Musica Britannica XLV, n. 137, p. 1
Anonymus, Fantasia for 3 basses
Anonymous, Fantasia à 7 violes, Uppsala, Dübensammlung imhs 409, fol. 1v-3r (score and parts)
Anonymous, textless pieces from Glogauer Liederbuch
Anonymus, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 47, p. 68
Anonymous, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 151, p. 53
Anonymous, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 72, p. 25
Anonymous, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 13, p. 31
Anonymous (Georg Ludwig Agricola or Johann Rosenmüller?), Kommet her zu mir alle, for 2 sopranos, alto, bass, 2 violins, 2 viols and bc [more info]
Anonymus, Salvator mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 4
Anonymous, Sonata a 2, Violin è Violdagamb con Basso continuo in A minor [more info]
Anonymus, Sonata à 3 Viole da gamba from Düben saml.
Anonymous, Sonata a 3 Viol. / 2 Violini con Violdagamba / ò Trombone [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata and suite for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo in A minor [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata ex C a 3, for 2 violins, bassoon or viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata italiana a 2 / Violino et Violdagamb: con Basso Contin: d’Incerto [more info]
Anonymous Consort Songs:
Arnold, Georg, Adeste quotquot diligitis Jesum Alto solo con 4 viole
Aschenbrenner, Christian Heinrich, Die Seele Christi heilige mich a 8
[Ashton, Hugh], Hugh Ashton´s Maske, MB XLV, App. n. 1, p. 132
Bach, Georg Christoph, Siehe, wie fein u: lieblich für 2 Tenore und Bass, begleitet von Violin, drey Gamben und Basso [more info]
Bach, Johann Christoph, Wie bist du denn, o Gott. in Zorn auf mich entbrannt (Lamento)
Bach, Johann Christoph (or Heinrich?) Ach, daß ich Wassers gnug hätte
Baldwin, John, A Browning, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 124, p. 25
Baldwin, John, Coockow as I me walked, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 125, p. 29
Baldwin, John, In manus tuas Domine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 117, p. 6
Baldwin, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 152, p. 56
Baldwin, John, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 131, p. 120
Banchieri, Adriano, Memoramini a 8 (CATB CATB)
Banchieri, Adriano, Concerti ecclesiastici a otto voci, 1595, Nos. 1-9. Score Canto 1 Alto 1 Tenore 1 Basso 1 Canto 2 Alto 2 Tenore 2 Basso 2
Benett, John, Eliza, her name gives honour, MB XXII, n. 47, p. 130
Benett, John, Venus’ birds, MB XXII, n. 48, p.132
Bevin, Elway, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 153, p. 60
Bevin, Elway, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 154, p. 63
Beyer, Johann Samuel, Drückt euch das schwere Joch der Sünden a 9 [more info]
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 118, p. 16
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 119, p. 18
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 120, p. 19
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 121, p. 21
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia V, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 122, p. 22
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia VI, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 123, p. 23
Blanks, Edward, Fantasy, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 138, p. 3
Brewster, In nomine (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 14, p. 34
Brewster, In nomine II, MB XLV, n. 132, p. 122
Brieghel, Wolfgang Carl, Preise Jerusalem a 8. 2 C., A., B. & 4 violæ
Bruhns, Nicolaus, Alleluja. Paratum cor meum a 6, 2 Tenori, 1 Basso, violino, 2 viole da gamba con Basso continuo [more info]
Buck, John, In nomine, MB XLV, n. 133, p. 124 / In nomine
Buxtehude, Dietrich, Chiccona: | Laudate Pueri Dominum:. | doi Sopran: Violdigamb: [more info]
Buxtehude, Dietrich, Membra Jesu nostri VI Ad cor – Vulnerasti cor meum [more info]
Byrd, William, Fantazia n. 2 a 6
Byrd, William, Fantazia n. 3 a 6
Byrd, William, Pavan + Galliard a 6
Psalms and Spiritual Songs
1 O Lord, within thy tabernacle (Ps.15) p. 4 | 2 The Lord is my only support (Ps. 23) p. 4 | 3 Have mercy on us, Lord (Ps. 67) p. 5 | 4 The man is blest (Ps. 112) p. 7 | 5 Lord, to thee I make my moan (Ps. 130) p. 9 | 6 O God, but God p. 11 | 7 O Lord, bow down thine heavnly eyes p.15 | 8 O Lord, how vain p. 17 | 9 O that woeful wretches p. 19 | 10 Out of the orient crystal skies p. 22 | 11 Rejoice unto the Lord p. 27 (In honour of Queen Elizabeth I, 1586) | 12 Triumph with pleasant melody (A dialogue between Christ and a Sinner) p. 31
Moral Songs and “Sonnets”
13 Ah, golden hairs p. 37 | 14 As Caesar wept p. 39 | 15 Blame I confess p. 41 | 16 Come, pretty babe p. 43 | 17 Content is rich p. 47 | 18 E’en as in seas p. 50 | 19 I will not say p. 52 | 20 Mount, Hope, above the skies p. 56 | 21 My freedom, ah (I thought that love), p. 58 | 22 Sith Death at length p. 60 | 23 Sith that the tree p. 62 | 24 Thou poets’ friend p. 64 | 25 Truce for a time p. 67 | 26 Truth at the first p. 69 | 27 What steps of strife p. 72 | 28 While Phoebus us’d to dwell (The noble famous Queen) p. 75
29 Crowned with flow’rs and lilies (In memory of Queen Mary I) p. 77 | 30 Delight is dead p. 82 | 31 In angel’s weed (An elegy for Mary, Queen of Scots, d. 1587) p. 85 | 32 Ye sacred muses (An elegy for Thomas Tallis, d. 1585) p. 88
Later Songs
33 An aged dame p. 92 | 34 Fair Britain Isle (An elegy for Henry, Prince of Wales, d. 1612) p. 96 | 35 He that all earthly pleasure scorns p. 99 | 36 My mistress had a little dog (Upon the death of a lady’s dog at Appleton Hall, Norfolk) p.101 | 37 Quis me statim p. 109 | 38 Though I be Brown (In honour of Mary Browne, married to Thomas Paston in 1608) p. 112 | 39 Where the blind p. 114 | 40 With lilies white (An elegy for Lady Magdalen Montague, d. 1608) p. 117 | 41 Wretched Albinus (Upon the fall of the Earl of Essex, 1601) p. 120
Doubtful and Spurious Songs
42 By force I live (?William Cobbold) p. 124 | 43 Methought of late p. 126 | 44 The day delay’d p. 128 | 45 Whom hateful harms p. 130
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Gaudens gaudebo in Domino, for bass, violin, bassoon or viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Jesu nostra Redemptio, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salve Jesu summe bonus, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salvum me fac Deus | a 6 | Basso solo con doi | violin: e tre Viol: d G [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Sonata à 8 Instrumenti
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Wo wiltu hin? à 2 Canti et 2 o 3 violedigamba [more info]
Cobbold, William, Anome, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 139, p. 6
Cobbold, William, Sub diversis speciebus, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 140, p. 13
Cobbold, William, For death of her, MB XXII, n. 13, p. 41
Cobbold, William, Ye mortal wights, MB XXII, n. 14, p. 44
Cobbold, William, Amids my bale, MB XXII, n. 28, p. 84
Cobbold, William, The haughty hearts, MB XXII, n. 29, p. 86
Cocke, Arthur, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 155, p. 66
Cöler, Martin, Er nahm aber zu sich die Zwölfe a 10 5 Stimmen, 5 Instr. e Basso continuo
Cöler, Martin, Gott ist getreu for soprano, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Cosyn, John, Now Israel may say, MB XXII, n. 41, p. 118
Cosyn, John, Except the Lord the house do make, MB XXII, n. 42, p. 120
Cosyn, John, Lord, to thee I make my moan, MB XXII, n. 43, p. 122
Daman, William, Beati omnes, MB XLV, n. 191, p. 34
Daman, William, Di sei soprani, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 67, p. 3
Daman, William, Utremifasolla, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 1, p. 9
Dowland, John, Consorts in five parts (except the Lachrimæ or seaven teares)
Semper Dowland semper dolens | Sir Henry Umpton’s Funeral | Mr. John Langton’s Pavan | The King of Denmark’s Galliard | The Earl of Essex Galliard | Sir John Souch his Galliard | Mr. Henry Noel his Galliard | Mr. Giles Hobies Galliard | Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard | Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard (with 2 trebles) | Captain Digorie Piper his Galliard | Mr. Bucton’s Galliard | Mistress Nichols Almand | Mr. George Whitehead his Almand
Dowland, John, Lamentatio Henrici Noel / Mr. Henry Noell his Funerall Psalmes, 1597 [in original clefs] [in modernised clefs]
Dowland, John / Wigthorpe, William, Sorrow, come, MB XXII, n. 65, p. 178
Ebart, Samuel, Miserere Christe mei e&c. | à 3. Tenore, Violino, Viola da gamba e Organo[more info]
Eberlin, Daniel, Ich kann nicht mehr ertragen a 11
Eglestone, John, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 156, p. 70
Eglestone, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 157, p. 73
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ach, daß ich doch in meinen Augen hätte, 4 Viol: 2 Vio:d’Gamb e Canto solo
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ante oculos tuos, Domine. Soprano con tre instromenti
Farrant, Richard, Ah, alas, you salt sea gods (Abradad), MB XXII, n. 7, p.25
Farrant, Richard, O Jove, from stately throne, MB XXII, n. 8, p.29
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, Duo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 115, p. 4
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 48, p. 70
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 49, p. 75
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 50, p. 79
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso Utremifasolla, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 2, p. 11
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, [Fantasia], MB XLV, n. 192, p. 37
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, Di sei bassi, MB XLIV, n. 68, p. 7
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, A fancy, MB XLV, n. 127 , p. 107
Fiocco, Joseph Hector ,Lamentatio secunda, for soprano, violoncello and b. c.
Flor, Christian, Es ist gnug Herr. Ich bin nicht besser a 6 [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Ach, ich elender Mensch a 6. Alto, Tenore, Basso e 3 Violdigamba
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Ich freue mich im Herrn, for 2 sopranos, 2 or 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Lobet den Herren, for soprano, tenor, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, O adoranda Trinitas, for tenor, bass, 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Selig sind die Toten, for 5 voices (SSATB), 4 instruments (viola da braccio/da gamba) and b.c.
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Veni Creator Spiritus, for soprano, bass, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Frescobaldi, Girolamo, Missa sopra l’aria della Monica a 8, [in original clefs] [in modernized clefs]
Gabrieli, Giovanni Sacrae Symphoniae a 8. Score Cantus Altus Tenor Bassus Quintus Sextus Septimus Octavus
Gabrieli, Giovanni, Canzon V a 7, da Canzoni e Sonate, 1615
Gabrieli, Giovanni, Canzon VI a 7, da Canzoni e Sonate, 1615
Geist, Christian, Alleluja, Virgo Deum genuit [more info]
Geist, Christian (?), Auff! ô Norden [more info]
Geist, Christian, Die mit Thränen säen werden. Motetto. a. 8 [more info]
Geist, Christian, Domine qui das salutem Regibus, for 2 Sopranos, Alto, Tenore, Basso, 2 Violini, Viola, Viola da gamba and Basso continuo [more info]
Geist, Christian, Es war aber an der Stätte [more info]
Geist, Christian, Media vita in morte sumus à 7
Geist, Christian, Resurrexi et adhuc tecum a 4. Soprano con 2 Violini e viol da gamba [more info]
Geist, Christian, Veni sancte Spiritus a 5, for 2 sopranos, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Gibbons, Edward, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 158, p. 75
Gibbons, Edward, What strikes the clocke? , Musica Britannica XLV, n. 126, p. 33
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies I-VII and a Galliard of three parts, with the double bass
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies of four parts with the double bass
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies of six parts
Gibbs, John, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 159, p. 80
Giles, Nathaniel, Cease now, vain thoughts, MB XXII, n. 15, p.50
Gletle, Johann Melchior, Brunnquell aller Güter. C.A.T.B. Con 4 viola di gamba in Pentecostes
Gletle, Johann Melchior, O benignissime Jesu for soprano, 2 violins, bassoon or trombone or viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Golder, [Robert?], In nomine, MB XLV, n. 134, p. 126
Gussago, Cesare, Sacrarum Cantionum a 8
Gussago, Cesare, 10 Sonate a quattro, Venezia, 1608 [in original clefs] [in modernised clefs]
Gussago, Cesare, 20 Sonate a quattro, sei et otto, Venezia, 1608
Hahn, Michael, Mein Sünd sind schwer und übergroß. Cantus, Bassus, Violino, Viola da gamba & BC [more info]
Hake, Hans, Suites n. 1-10 à 3
Hake, Hans, Suite n. 8 à 3 in a
Hake, [John?], In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 160, p. 83
Hakenberger, Andrea, Sacri modulorum concentus a 8
Harding, [James?], Duo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 116, p. 5
Harding, James, A fancy I, MB XLV, n. 128, p. 111
Harding, James, A fancy II, MB XLV, n. 129, p. 115
Heinlein, Paul, Miserere mei Deus. à 9, for 5 voices, 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Heizenröder, Sebastian, Alleluja, Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebt a 7 | 2 Violinen, Viola da gamba, Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso con Continuo doppio [more info]
Hildebrand, Johann, Ach was erhebt sich doch die arme Erde. A.T.B. è. 2 violini Con 3 viole si piace
J., S. (Samuel Jacobi?), Es ist ein elend jämmerlich Ding, for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, violin, 3 violas da gamba and b. c. [more info]
Jenkins, John, Pavan in d minor
Johnson, Edward, Eliza is the fairest Queen, MB XXII, n. 33a, p.99
Johnson, Edward, Come again, MB XXII, n. 33b, p.100
Johnson, Robert [?], A knell of Johnson, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 39, p. 34
Knüpfer, Sebastian, O benignissime Jesu etc. | â 6. ô 10. | 2 Violini, ouero Cornettini. | 1 Viola di gamba ô Bombard. | Alto. | Tenore. | Basso. | con | Continuo â doppio [more info]
Köhler, see Cöler
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Absorta est mors, for alto, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Hilff Gott, wie glänzet dieses Haus. Sopran + 4 violdigambi
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Ich bin eine Blume zu Saron. 2 Canti, Violino vel Violdigamba o vero trombone si placet [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Ihr Christen freuet euch à 4. 2 voc., Violin., Violadig. [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Mein Herz dichtet ein feines Lied a 18 con doi Chori, 8 voc., 10 Instrom.
Krieger, Johann Philipp, O Jesu, du mein Leben à 3. Alt, Viol., Violdg. [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Surgite cum gaudio a 3. Violino, Viola da gamba, Canto e Continuo à Doppio [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Wenn Du gessen hast und satt bist, for SATB, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Maistre, G. F., see Meister, Johann Friedrich
Mallory, Miserere, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 42, p. 46
Mallory, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 51, p. 82
Mallory, Sol re sol mi sol, MB XLIV, n. 69, p. 12
Malvezzi, Cristofano, 4 Sinfonias from Intermezzi della Pellegrina, à 5 and à 6
Mando, Patrick, Like as the day, MB XXII, n. 12, p.39
Meder, Johann Valentin, Quid est hoc quod sentio | a 6 | Canto, Alto, Basso con 2 Violini, Viola da gamba ed il Basso continuo [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Sufficit nunc Domine à Canto solo e Cinque Stromenti [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Unser keiner lebt ihm selber [more info]
Mericocke, Thomas, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 161, p. 86
Monteverdi, Claudio (doubtful attribution, more probably by Johann Rosenmüller), Confitebor tibi Domini a 6. Canto solo: con: 5: viole
Mudd, Henry, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 15, p. 37
Mudd, [Henry?], In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 52, p. 88
Mundy, John, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 162, p. 89
Mundy, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 163, p. 92
Mundy, John, In nomine III, MB XLV, n. 193, p. 41
Mundy, John, In nomine IV, MB XLV, n. 194, p. 43
Mundy, [William?], O mater mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 32, p. 1
Mundy, [William?], Fantasia, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 33, p. 5
Mundy, [William?], Sermone blando, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 43, p. 49
Mundy, [William?], In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 53, p. 92
Mundy, William, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 54, p. 96
[Nicholson?, Richard], Cuckoo, MB XXII, n. 49, p.134
Nicholson, Richard, In a merry May morn, MB XXII, n. 50, p.136
Nicholson, Richard, Joan, quoth John, MB XXII, n. 51 , p.139
Nicholson, Richard, No more, good herdsman, of thy song, MB XXII, n. 52, p.142
[Nicholson, Richard?], Sweet, they say such virtue lies in your lips, MB XXII, n. 53, p.145
Nicholson, Richard, I am not I of such belief (I), MB XXII, n. 54, p.151
Österreich, Georg, Gläntze, du erwünschtes Licht for soprano, 3 viols, violoncello and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Ist wohl dein Helden Muth for 2 tenors, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Seelge Fürstin for 4 voices (SATB), 4 instruments and bc
Österreich, Georg, Welt gepriesnes Fürsten=Kind for 2 sopranos, violin, 3 violas da gamba and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Zeige dich, erwünschtes Licht for soprano, 3 instruments and bc
Österreich, Michael, Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, for 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins, Viola di gamba, bassoon and basso continuo [more info]
Paradiso, Renaldo, A fancy, MB XLV, n. 130, p. 117
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 16, p. 40
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 17, p. 43
Parsley, Osbert, The song upon a dial, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 44, p. 53
Parsley, Osbert, Spes nostra (a) , Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 45, p. 55
Parsley, Osbert, Spes nostra (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 45, p. 59
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 55, p. 102
Parsley, Osbert, Salvator mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 3, p. 12
Parsons, Robert, De la court, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 34, p. 11
Parsons, Robert, A song of Mr Robert Parsons, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 35, p. 22
Parsons, Robert, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 56, p. 105
Parsons [?], Robert, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 74, p. 49
Parsons, Robert, In nomine V, MB XLIV, n. 75, p. 51
Parsons, Robert, Enforc´d by love and fear, MB XXII, n. 5, p. 15
Parsons, Robert, Pour down, your pow´rs divine (Pandolpho I), MB XXII, n. 6a, p. 17
[Parsons, Robert], No grief is like to mine (Pandolpho II), MB XXII, n. 6b, p. 22
Parsons, Robert, The song called trumpets, MB XLIV, n. 70, p. 15
Parsons, Robert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 18, p. 45
Parsons, Robert, In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 19, p. 47
Parsons, Robert, Ut re mi fa sol la, MB XLIV, n. 12, p. 24
Passerini, Francesco (?), Laudate pueri Dominum a 4. Doi Violini e Viol di gamba Con Alto [more info]
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Send forth thy sighs, MB XXII, n. 10, p.34
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Prepare to die , MB XXII, n. 11, p.37
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Climb not too high, MB XXII, n. 32, p.96
Pękiel, Bartłomiej, Audite Mortales, for 2 soprano, 2 altos, tenor and bass, 2 viole di gamba, violone and b. c. [more info]
Peranda, Marco Giuseppe, Florete frangrantibus liliis a 7 [more info]
Peranda, Marco Giuseppe, O Jesu mi dulcissime a 8. 3 Voci con cinque Strom: [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Cum complerentur dies pentecostes for 2 sopranos, 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins, 2 violas da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Friede sey mit euch à 7 (2 sopranos, tenor, bass, violin or treble viol, 2 bass viols and bc) [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, In tribulatione invocavimus Dominum à 7 C.C.T.T. cvon 3 viole da gamba [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Iustorum animae a 5. Canto solo con 4 viole
Pfleger, Augustin, Laudate pueri Dominum. C.C.T. Con 3 viol da gamba [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, O divini amor numinis patris Canto solo & 4 strumenti
Pfleger, Augustin, Si quis est cupiens dapes mellifluas a 6 | Canto solo con doi violini e doi viole da gamba [more info]
Philetari, Didaco, Salve rex Christe fons Misericordiae. Canto solo con 4 viole
Picforth, In nomine (a), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 57, p. 109
Picforth, In nomine (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 57, p. 112
Poynt, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 20, p. 50
Poynt, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 58, p. 114
Praetorius, Bartholomaeus, Newe liebliche Paduanen und Galliarden mit fünff Stimmen, 1616
Preston, Thomas, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 21, p. 52
Preston, Thomas, O lux beata Trinitas, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 5, p. 14
Radeck, Johann Martin, Herr wenn ich nur dich habe, for tenor, 2 violins, viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Randall, William, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 164, p. 95
Rosenmüller, Johann (attributed), Kommet her zu mir alle, see anonymous
Sadler, John, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 165, p. 100
Scheidt, Samuel, Canzon à 5 voc. super O Nachbar Roland [on the tune: Now welcome neighbour Rowland]
Scheidt, Samuel, Miserere mei, Deus. Cantus & Tenor voce & 4. Viol: d’ Gamb
Schein, Johann Hermann, Fürwar, er trug unsere Kranckheit, for tenor, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Schelle, Johann, Gesegnet ist der Mann à 9. 2 Violini 3 Viol’di gamba Fagotto C. C. C. è Continuo [more info]
Schütz, Heinrich, Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott Canto solo con 5 viole
Schuyt, Cornelis, Fasciculus III. Dodeci padovane et altretante gagliarde, a 6
Senfl, Ludwig, Felices quicumque/Tandernak
Spahn, Johann Ernst, Quasi cedrus exaltata sum a 4. Violino, Viola da gamba, Harpa, Canto con Continuo [more info]
Stannar, William, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 166, p. 103
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet for soprano, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Bleibe bei uns for tenor, flute, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen for soprano, alto, oboe, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Herr lehre doch mich for soprano, bass, viol, strings and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Mache mich, o Geist der Liebe for alto, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sehet welch eine Liebe for alto, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sind wir denn Kinder for soprano, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Stonings, [Henry?], Browning my dear, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 40, p. 40
Stonings, [Henry?], Miserere, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 46, p. 63
Stonings, Henry, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 22, p. 54
Stonings, Henry, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 59, p. 117
Strauss, Christoph, Ave verum corpus ad elev. sub mis: à 8, 1613 (facsimile and transcription)
Strauss, Christoph, Missa pro defunctis Symphonia ad imitationem 10. voc. concertata cum Symphonia. original clefs – modernized clefs – alla quarta alta
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 60, p. 121
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine II (a), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 61, p. 125
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine II (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 61, p. 130
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 62, p. 135
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 73, p. 30
Strogers, Nicholas, A doleful deadly pang, MB XXII, n. 9, p.32
Strogers, [Nicholas?], Mistrust not truth, MB XXII, n. 21, p.65
Tallis, Thomas, A solfing song, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 36, p. 24
Tallis, Thomas, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 23, p. 56
Tallis, Thomas, In nomine II (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 24, p. 58
Taverner, John, In nomine (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 25, p. 61
Taverner, John, In nomine (from Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas-Sanctus)
Taverner, John, Quemadmodum, MB XLIV, n. 71, p. 19
Theile, Johann, Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein Soprano e doi viole da gamba, [more info]
Thorne, John [?], In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 26, p. 63
Tomkins, John, O thrice-blessed earthbed, MB XXII, n. 16, p.53
Tunder, Franz, Ach Herr, laß deine lieben Engelein, Canto solo con 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, An Wasserflüssen Babylons, Canto e 4 viole
Tye, Christopher, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 135, p. 128
Tye, Christopher, Amavit eum Dominum, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 141, p. 17
Tye, Christopher, Laudes Deo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 142, p. 20
Tye, Christopher, Rubum quem, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 143, p. 22
Tye, Christopher, Christus resurgens, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 144, p. 24
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 145, p. 27
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 146, p. 32
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 147, p. 37
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 148, p. 41
Tye, Christopher, O lux beata Trinitas, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 149, p. 45
Tye, Christopher, In nomine II, „Rachells weepinge“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 167, p. 106
Tye, Christopher, In nomine III, „Weepe no more Rachell“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 168, p. 109
Tye, Christopher, In nomine IV, „Howld fast“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 169, p. 111
Tye, Christopher, In nomine V, „Reporte“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 170, p. 114
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VI, „Seldom sene“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 171, p. 118
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VII, „Surrexit non est hic“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 172, p. 120
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VIII, „Rounde“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 173, p. 123
Tye, Christopher, In nomine IX, „Re la re“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 174, p. 126
Tye, Christopher, In nomine X, „Saye so“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 175, p. 129
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XII, „Beleve me“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 177, p. 134
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIII, „Trust“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 178, p. 137
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIV, „Follow me“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 179, p. 140
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XV, „My deathe bedde“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 180, p. 143
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVI, „Blamles“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 181, p. 146
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVII, [no title], Musica Britannica XLV, n. 182, p. 149
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVIII, „I comme“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 183, p. 152
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIX, „Crye“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 184, p. 156
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XX, „Free from all“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 185, p. 160
Ward, John, 6 Oxford Fantasies à 4
Weckmann, Matthias, Kommt her zu mir [more info]
Weckmann, Matthias, Wenn der Herr die Gefangenen zu Zion erlösen wird. 4 voci con 5 stromenti [more info]
Weelkes, Thomas, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 186, p. 163
Weelkes, Thomas, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 136, p. 130
White, Robert [?], In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 28, p. 67
White, Robert, Christe qui lux, Verse 1, 2, MB XLV, App. n. 2, p. 138
White, Robert, Fantasia I, MB XLIV, n. 6, p. 5
White, Robert, Fantasia II, MB XLIV, n. 7, p. 8
White, Robert, Fantasia III, MB XLIV, n. 8, p. 11
White, Robert, Fantasia IV, MB XLIV, n. 9, p. 14
White, Robert, Fantasia V, MB XLIV, n. 10, p. 16
White, Robert, Fantasia VI, MB XLIV, n. 11, p. 20
White, Robert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 27, p. 65
White, Robert, In nomine III, MB XLIV, n. 29, p. 70
White, Robert, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 30, p. 72
White, Robert, In nomine V, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 63, p. 138
White, Robert, Mr White his song, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 37, p. 28
White, William, 6 Fantasies & 2 Pavans à 6
Wigthorpe, William, I am not I of such belief (II), MB XXII, n. 55, p.153
Wigthorpe, William, Were I made juror, MB XXII, n. 56, p.155
Wigthorpe, William, Smiths are good fellows, MB XXII, n. 57, p.156
Wilbye, John, Ne reminiscaris, MB XXII, n. 45, p.126
Woodcock, Clement, Hackney, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 38, p. 32
Woodcock, Clement, Browning my dear, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 41, p. 42
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 64, p. 141
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 65, p. 146
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 66, p. 149
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 187, p. 167
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 188, p. 171
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 189, p. 174
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 190, p. 178
Anonymous, textless pieces from Glogauer Liederbuch
Anonymus, Salvator mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 4, p. 13
Anonymous, Sonata à 3 Viole da gamba from Düben saml.
Baldwin, John, A Browning, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 124, p. 25
Baldwin, John, Coockow as I me walked, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 125, p. 29
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 118, p.16
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 119, p. 18
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 120, p. 19
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 121, p. 21
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia V, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 122, p. 22
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia VI, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 123, p. 23
Daman, William, Utremifasolla, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 1, p. 9
Ferrabosco, Alfonso I, Utremifasolla, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 2, p. 11
Gibbons, Edward, What strikes the clocke? , Musica Britannica XLV, n. 126, p. 33
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies I-VII and a Galliard of three parts, with the double bass
Hake, Hans, Suites n. 1-10 à 3
Lupo, Thomas, Fantasia à 3 for 3 basses
Nicolai, Johann Michael, Sonata a 3 viole
Parsley, Osbert, Salvator mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 3, p. 12
Preston, Thomas, O lux beata Trinitas, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 5, p. 14
Anonymous, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 13, p. 31
[Ashton, Hugh], Hugh Ashton´s Maske, MB XLV, App. n. 1, p. 132
Baldwin, John, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 131, p. 118
Brewster, In nomine II, MB XLV, n. 132, p. 122
Brewster, In nomine (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 14, p. 34
Buck, John, In nomine, MB XLV, n. 133, p. 124
Dowland, John, Lamentatio Henrici Noel / Mr. Henry Noell his Funerall Psalmes, 1597 [in original clefs] [in modernised clefs]
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, A fancy, MB XLV, n. 127 , p. 107
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies of four parts with the double bass
Golder, [Robert?], In nomine, MB XLV, n. 134, p. 126
Gussago, Cesare, Sonate a a quattro, Venezia, 1608 [in original clefs] [in modernised clefs]
Harding, James, A fancy I, MB XLV, n. 128, p. 111
Harding, James, A fancy II, MB XLV, n. 129, p. 115
Jenkins, John, Pavan in d minor
Kerll, Johann Caspar, Sonata a 3 for 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Legrenzi, Giovanni, Sonata Quinta a 4 Viole da gamba, o come piace, from La Cetra, op. X [more info]
Mudd, Henry, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 15, p. 37
Paradiso, Renaldo, A fancy, MB XLV, n. 130, p. 117
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 16, p. 40
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 17, p. 43
Parsons, Robert, Ut re mi fa sol la, MB XLIV, n. 12, p. 24
Parsons, Robert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 18, p. 45
Parsons, Robert, In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 19, p. 47
Poynt, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 20, p. 50
Preston, Thomas, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 21, p. 52
Purcell, Henry, Fantazies and In nomine in 3 to 7 parts
Stonings, Henry, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 22, p. 54
Strungk, Nicolaus Adam, Sonata a 3. 2 Violini e Viola da gamba [more info]
Tallis, Thomas, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 23, p. 56
Tallis, Thomas, In nomine II (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 24, p. 58
Taverner, John, In nomine (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 25, p. 61
Taverner, John, In nomine (from Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas-Sanctus)
Thorne, John [?], In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 26, p. 63
Tye, Christopher, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 135, p. 128
Victoria, Tomàs Luis de, Motets, Psalms, Antiphons and Sequences a 4, a 5, a 6, a 8. Score Cantus Altus Tenor Bassus Quintus Sextus Septimus Octavus
Ward, John, 6 Oxford Fantasies à 4
Weelkes, Thomas, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 136, p. 130
White, Robert, Christe qui lux, Verse 1, 2, MB XLV, App. n. 2, p. 138
White, Robert, Fantasia I, MB XLIV, n. 6, p. 5
White, Robert, Fantasia II, MB XLIV, n. 7, p. 8
White, Robert, Fantasia III, MB XLIV, n. 8, p. 11
White, Robert, Fantasia IV, MB XLIV, n. 9, p. 14
White, Robert, Fantasia V, MB XLIV, n. 10, p. 16
White, Robert, Fantasia VI, MB XLIV, n. 11, p. 20
White, Robert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 27, p. 65
White, Robert, In nomine III, MB XLIV, n. 29, p. 70
White, Robert, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 30, p. 72
White, Robert [?], In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 28, p. 67
Whytbroke, William, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 31, p. 74
Alberti, Innocenzio [?], Pavin of Alberti, MB XLIV, n. 97, p. 93
Alison, Richard, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 150, p. 49
Anonymous, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 47, p. 68
Anonymous, [Fantasia], Musica Britannica XLV, n. 137, p. 1
Anonymous, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 151, p. 53
Anonymous, A Galliard (from the „Hamond“ Book), MB XLIV, n. 112, p. 106
Baldwin, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 152, p. 56
Bevin, Elway, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 153, p. 60
Bevin, Elway, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 154, p. 63
Blanks, Edward, Fantasy, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 138, p. 3
Cobbold, William, Anome, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 139, p. 6
Cobbold, William, Sub diversis speciebus, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 140, p. 13
Cocke, Arthur, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 155, p. 66
Dowland, John, Consorts in five parts (except the Lachrimæ or seaven teares)
Eglestone, John, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 156, p. 70
Eglestone, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 157, p. 73
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 48, p. 70
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 49, p. 75
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 50, p. 79
Gibbons, Edward, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 158, p. 75
Gibbs, John, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 159, p. 80
Hake, [John?], In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 160, p. 83
Johnson, Robert [?], A knell of Johnson, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 39, p. 34
Mallory, Miserere, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 42, p. 46
Mallory, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 51, p. 82
Malvezzi, Cristofano, Sinfonia a 5 from Intermezzi della Pellegrina
Mericocke, Thomas, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 161, p. 86
Mudd, [Henry?], In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 52, p. 88
Mundy, [William?], O mater mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 32, p. 1
Mundy, [William?], Fantasia, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 33, p. 5
Mundy, [William?], Sermone blando, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 43, p. 49
Mundy, [William?], In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 53, p. 92
Mundy, William, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 54, p. 96
Mundy, John, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 162, p. 89
Mundy, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 163, p. 92
Parsley, Osbert, The song upon a dial, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 44, p. 53
Parsley, Osbert, Spes nostra (a) , Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 45, p. 55
Parsley, Osbert, Spes nostra (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 45, p. 59
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 55, p. 102
Parsons, Robert, De la court, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 34, p. 11
Parsons, Robert, A song of Mr Robert Parsons, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 35, p. 22
Parsons, Robert, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 56, p. 105
Picforth, In nomine (a), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 57, p. 109
Picforth, In nomine (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 57, p. 112
Poynt, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 58, p. 114
Praetorius, Bartholomaeus, Newe liebliche Paduanen und Galliarden mit fünff Stimmen, 1616
Purcell, Henry, Fantazies and In nomine in 3 to 7 parts
Pyttyns, Richard [?], Ruger, MB XLIV, n. 87, p. 86
Randall, William, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 164, p. 95
Sadler, John, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 165, p. 100
Scheidt, Samuel, Canzon à 5 voc. super O Nachbar Roland
Senfl, Ludwig, Felices quicumque/Tandernak
Stannar, William, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 166, p. 103
Stonings, [Henry?], Browning my dear, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 40, p. 40
Stonings, [Henry?], Miserere, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 46, p. 63
Stonings, Henry, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 59, p. 117
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 60, p. 121
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine II (a), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 61, p. 125
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine II (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 61, p. 130
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 62, p. 135
Tallis, Thomas, A solfing song, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 36, p. 24
Tunder, Franz, Ach Herr, laß deine lieben Engelein, Canto solo con 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, An Wasserflüssen Babylons, Canto e 4 viole
Tye, Christopher, Amavit eum Dominum, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 141, p. 17
Tye, Christopher, Laudes Deo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 142, p. 20
Tye, Christopher, Rubum quem, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 143, p. 22
Tye, Christopher, Christus resurgens, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 144, p. 24
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 145, p. 27
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 146, p. 32
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 147, p. 37
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 148, p. 41
Tye, Christopher, O lux beata Trinitas, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 149, p. 45
Tye, Christopher, In nomine II, „Rachells weepinge“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 167, p. 106
Tye, Christopher, In nomine III, „Weepe no more Rachell“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 168, p. 109
Tye, Christopher, In nomine IV, „Howld fast“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 169, p. 111
Tye, Christopher, In nomine V, „Reporte“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 170, p. 114
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VI, „Seldom sene“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 171, p. 118
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VII, „Surrexit non est hic“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 172, p. 120
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VIII, „Rounde“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 173, p. 123
Tye, Christopher, In nomine IX, „Re la re“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 174, p. 126
Tye, Christopher, In nomine X, „Saye so“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 175, p. 129
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XII, „Beleve me“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 177, p. 134
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIII, „Trust“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 178, p. 137
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIV, „Follow me“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 179, p. 140
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XV, „My deathe bedde“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 180, p. 143
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVI, „Blamles“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 181, p. 146
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVII, [no title], Musica Britannica XLV, n. 182, p. 149
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVIII, „I comme“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 183, p. 152
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIX, „Crye“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 184, p. 156
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XX, „Free from all“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 185, p. 160
Victoria, Tomàs Luis de, Motets, Psalms, Antiphons and Sequences a 4, a 5, a 6, a 8. Score Cantus Altus Tenor Bassus Quintus Sextus Septimus Octavus
Weelkes, Thomas, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 186, p. 163
White, Robert, Mr White his song, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 37, p. 28
White, Robert, In nomine V, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 63, p. 138
Woodcock, Clement, Hackney, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 38, p. 32
Woodcock, Clement, Browning my dear, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 41, p. 42
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 64, p. 141
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 65, p. 146
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 66, p. 149
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 187, p. 167
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 188, p. 171
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 189, p. 174
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 190, p. 178
Anonymous, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 72, p. 25
Byrd, William, Fantazia n. 2 a 6
Byrd, William, Fantazia n. 3 a 6
Byrd, William, Pavan + Galliard a 6
Daman, William, Beati omnes, MB XLV, n. 191, p. 34
Daman, William, Di sei soprani, MB XLIV, n. 67, p. 3
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, [Fantasia], MB XLV, n. 192, p. 37
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, Di sei bassi, MB XLIV, n. 68, p. 7
Ferrabosco II, Alfonso, The six-part works
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies of six parts
Gussago, Cesare, 20 Sonate a quattro, sei et otto, Venezia, 1608
Mallory, Sol re sol mi sol, MB XLIV, n. 69, p. 12
Malvezzi, Cristofano, Sinfonias à 6 from Intermezzi della Pellegrina
Mundy, John, In nomine III, MB XLV, n. 193, p. 41
Mundy, John, In nomine IV, MB XLV, n. 194, p. 43
Parsons, Robert, The song called trumpets, MB XLIV, n. 70, p. 15
Purcell, Henry, Fantazies and In nomine in 3 to 7 parts
Schuyt, Cornelis, Fasciculus III. Dodeci padovane et altretante gagliarde, a 6
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 73, p. 30
Taverner, John, Quemadmodum, MB XLIV, n. 71, p. 19
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XXI, MB XLV, n. 195, p. 46
Usper, Francesco, Sinfonia a 6
Victoria, Tomàs Luis de, Motets, Psalms, Antiphons and Sequences a 4, a 5, a 6, a 8. Score Cantus Altus Tenor Bassus Quintus Sextus Septimus Octavus
Anonymous, Fantasia à 7 violes, Uppsala, Dübensammlung imhs 409, fol. 1v-3r (score and parts)
Gabrieli, Giovanni, Canzon V a 7, da Canzoni e Sonate, 1615
Gabrieli, Giovanni, Canzon VI a 7, da Canzoni e Sonate, 1615
Parsons [?], Robert, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 74, p. 49
Parsons, Robert, In nomine V, MB XLIV, n. 75, p. 51
Banchieri, Adriano, Memoramini a 8 (CATB CATB)
Banchieri, Adriano, Concerti ecclesiastici a otto voci, 1595, Nos. 1-9. Score Canto 1 Alto 1 Tenore 1 Basso 1 Canto 2 Alto 2 Tenore 2 Basso 2
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Sonata à 8 Instrumenti
Frescobaldi, Girolamo, Missa sopra l’aria della Monica a 8, [in original clefs] [in modernized clefs]
Gabrieli, Giovanni Sacrae Symphoniae a 8. Score Cantus Altus Tenor Bassus Quintus Sextus Septimus Octavus
Gussago, Cesare, Sacrarum Cantionum a 8
Gussago, Cesare, 20 Sonate a quattro, sei et otto, Venezia, 1608
Hakenberger, Andrea, Sacri modulorum concentus a 8
Strauss, Christoph, Ave verum corpus ad elev. sub mis: à 8 (facsimile and transcription)
Victoria, Tomàs Luis de, Motets, Psalms, Antiphons and Sequences a 4, a 5, a 6, a 8. Score Cantus Altus Tenor Bassus Quintus Sextus Septimus Octavus
Eberlin, Daniel, Ich kann nicht mehr ertragen a 11
Strauss, Christoph, Missa pro defunctis Symphonia ad imitationem 10. voc. concertata cum Symphonia. original clefs – modernized clefs – alla quarta alta
Ahle, Johann Rudolph, Herr, nun lästu deinen Diener a 5
Anonymous, O Death rock me asleep, MB XXII, n. 1, p. 1
Anonymous, Alas, alack, my heart is woe, MB XXII, n. 2, p. 4
Anonymous, Come tread the paths (Guichardo), MB XXII, n. 3, p. 6
Anonymous, Come, Charon, come, MB XXII, n. 31, p. 91
Anonymous, Farewell the bliss, MB XXII, n. 4, p. 10
Anonymous, How can the tree, MB XXII, n. 17, p. 57
Anonymous, In terrors trapp´d, MB XXII, n. 18, p. 59
Anonymous, Mistrust misdeems amiss, MB XXII, n. 19, p. 61
Anonymous, The saint I serve, MB XXII, n. 20, p. 63
Anonymous, When May is in his prime, MB XXII, n. 23, p. 69
Anonymous, Ah, silly poor Joas, MB XXII, n. 24, p. 75
Anonymous, My little sweet darling, MB XXII, n. 25, p. 77
Anonymous, What first did break thee, MB XXII, n. 37, p. 110
Anonymous, Without redress, MB XXII, n. 26, p. 79
Anonymous, In paradise, MB XXII, n. 27, p. 80
Anonymous, My mind to me, MB XXII, n. 34, p. 101
Anonymous, My heart doth pant for sorrow, MB XXII, n. 35, p. 104
Anonymous, Complain with tears, MB XXII, n. 36, p. 106
Anonymous, Come, Holy Ghost, MB XXII, n. 38, p. 112
Anonymous, The Lord of whom I do depend (In nomine), MB XXII, n. 39, p. 114
Anonymous, O Lord, turn not away thy face, MB XXII, n. 40, p. 116
Anonymous, Born is the Babe, MB XXII, n. 46, p. 128
Anonymous, Of all jolly pastimes, MB XXII, n. 58, p. 159
Anonymous, What meat eats the Spaniard?, MB XXII, n. 59, p. 162
Anonymous, Hold, lingel, hold, MB XXII, n. 60, p. 165
Anonymous, The dark is my delight, MB XXII, n. 61, p. 168
Anonymous, This merry pleasant Spring, MB XXII, n. 62, p. 170
Anonymous, When Daphne from fair Phoebus did fly, MB XXII, n. 63, p. 173
Anonymous, Sweet was the song the Virgin sung, MB XXII, n. 64, p. 175
Arnold, Georg, Adeste quotquot diligitis Jesum Alto solo con 4 viole
Bach, Johann Christoph, Wie bist du denn, o Gott. in Zorn auf mich entbrannt (Lamento)
Bach, Johann Christoph (or Heinrich?) Ach, daß ich Wassers gnug hätte
Bach, Johann Michael, Ach, wie sehnlich wart ich der Zeit Canto solo, con 5 Instrument & Basso Continuo [original clefs] [modernized clefs]
Benett, John, Eliza, her name gives honour, MB XXII, n. 47, p. 130
Benett, John, Venus’ birds, MB XXII, n. 48, p.132
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Gaudens gaudebo in Domino, for bass, violin, bassoon or viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Jesu nostra Redemptio, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salve Jesu summe bonus, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salvum me fac Deus | a 6 | Basso solo con doi | violin: e tre Viol: d G [more info]
Cobbold, William, For death of her, MB XXII, n. 13, p.41
Cobbold, William, Ye mortal wights, MB XXII, n. 14, p.44
Cobbold, William, Amids my bale, MB XXII, n. 28, p.84
Cobbold, William, The haughty hearts, MB XXII, n. 29, p.86
Cöler, Martin, Gott ist getreu for soprano, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Cosyn, John, Now Israel may say, MB XXII, n. 41, p.118
Cosyn, John, Except the Lord the house do make, MB XXII, n. 42, p.120
Cosyn, John, Lord, to thee I make my moan, MB XXII, n. 43, p.122
Cosyn, John, Yield unto God, MB XXII, n. 44, p.124
Dowland, John / Wigthorpe, William, Sorrow, come, MB XXII, n. 65, p.178
Ebart, Samuel, Miserere Christe mei e&c. | à 3. Tenore, Violino, Viola da gamba e Organo [more info]
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ach, daß ich doch in meinen Augen hätte, 4 Viol: 2 Vio:d’Gamb e Canto solo
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ante oculos tuos, Domine. Soprano con tre instromenti
Farrant, Richard, Ah, alas, you salt sea gods (Abradad), MB XXII, n. 7, p.25
Farrant, Richard, O Jove, from stately throne, MB XXII, n. 8, p.29
Fiocco, Joseph Hector, Lamentatio secunda, for soprano, violoncello and b. c.
Flor, Christian, Es ist gnug Herr. Ich bin nicht besser a 6 [more info]
Geist, Christian, Es war aber an der Stätte [more info]
Geist, Christian (?), Auff! ô Norden [more info]
Geist, Christian, Resurrexi et adhuc tecum a 4. Soprano con 2 Violini e viol da gamba [more info]
Giles, Nathaniel, Cease now, vain thoughts, MB XXII, n. 15, p.50
Gletle, Johann Melchior, O benignissime Jesu for soprano, 2 violins, bassoon or trombone or viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Johnson, Edward, Eliza is the fairest Queen, MB XXII, n. 33a, p.99
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Absorta est mors, for alto, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Hilff Gott, wie glänzet dieses Haus. Sopran + 4 violdigambi
Krieger, Johann Philipp, O Jesu, du mein Leben à 3. Alt, Viol., Violdg. [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Surgite cum gaudio a 3. Violino, Viola da gamba, Canto e Continuo à Doppio [more info]
Lange, Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, cantata for bass, 2 flauti, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Mando, Patrick, Like as the day, MB XXII, n. 12, p.39
Meder, Johann Valentin, Sufficit nunc Domine à Canto solo e Cinque Stromenti [more info]
Monteverdi, Claudio (doubtful attribution, more probably by Johann Rosenmüller), Confitebor tibi Domini a 6. Canto solo: con: 5: viole
Mundy, [William?], Fie, fie, my fate, MB XXII, n. 30, p.88
[Nicholson?, Richard], Cuckoo, MB XXII, n. 49, p.134
Nicholson, Richard, In a merry May morn, MB XXII, n. 50, p.136
Nicholson, Richard, Joan, quoth John, MB XXII, n. 51 , p.139
Nicholson, Richard, No more, good herdsman, of thy song, MB XXII, n. 52, p.142
Nicholson, Richard, I am not I of such belief (I), MB XXII, n. 54, p.151
Parsons, Robert, Enforc´d by love and fear, MB XXII, n. 5, p.15
Parsons, Robert, Pour down, your pow´rs divine (Pandolpho I), MB XXII, n. 6a, p.17
Passerini, Francesco (?), Laudate pueri Dominum a 4. Doi Violini e Viol di gamba Con Alto [more info]
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Send forth thy sighs, MB XXII, n. 10, p.34
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Prepare to die , MB XXII, n. 11, p.37
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Climb not too high, MB XXII, n. 32, p.96
Pfleger, Augustin, Iustorum animae a 5. Canto solo con 4 viole
Pfleger, Augustin, O divini amor numinis patris Canto solo & 4 strumenti
Pfleger, Augustin, Si quis est cupiens dapes mellifluas a 6 | Canto solo con doi violini e doi viole da gamba [more info]
Philetari, Didaco, Salve rex Christe fons Misericordiae. Canto solo con 4 viole
Radeck, Johann Martin, Herr wenn ich nur dich habe, for tenor, 2 violins, viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Schütz, Heinrich, Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott Canto solo con 5 viole
Selichius, Daniel, Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein a 5. Voce sola, e 4 Violis di Gamba
Senfl, Ludwig, Felices quicumque/Tandernak
Spahn, Johann Ernst, Quasi cedrus exaltata sum a 4. Violino, Viola da gamba, Harpa, Canto con Continuo [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet for soprano, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Bleibe bei uns for tenor, flute, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Mache mich, o Geist der Liebe for alto, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sehet welch eine Liebe for alto, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sind wir denn Kinder for soprano, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Strogers, Nicholas, A doleful deadly pang, MB XXII, n. 9, p.32
Strogers, [Nicholas?], Mistrust not truth, MB XXII, n. 21, p.65
Strogers, [Nicholas], O heav´nly God, MB XXII, n. 22, p.67
Theile, Johann, Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein Soprano e doi viole da gamba, [more info]
Tomkins, John, O thrice-blessed earthbed, MB XXII, n. 16, p.53
Tunder, Franz, Ach Herr, laß deine lieben Engelein, Canto solo con 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, An Wasserflüssen Babylons, Canto e 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme | Canto con 4 viole
Weckmann, Matthias, Kommt her zu mir [more info]
Wilbye, John, Ne reminiscaris, MB XXII, n. 45, p.126
Wigthorpe, William, I am not I of such belief (II), MB XXII, n. 55, p.153
Wigthorpe, William, Were I made juror, MB XXII, n. 56, p.155
A. H. M., Meine Sehle Erhebet / den hern a doj Canti / e 5. viol di Gambe [facsimile in Uppsala library]
Anonymous, What first did break thee, MB XXII, n. 37, p. 110
Anonymous, Come, Charon, come, MB XXII, n. 31, p. 91
Anonymous, Of all jolly pastimes, MB XXII, n. 58, p. 159
Anonymous, What meat eats the Spaniard?, MB XXII, n. 59, p. 162
Buxtehude, Dietrich, Chiccona: | Laudate Pueri Dominum:. | doi Sopran: Violdigamb: [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Wo wiltu hin? à 2 Canti et 2 o 3 violedigamba [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Ich freue mich im Herrn, for 2 sopranos, 2 or 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Lobet den Herren, for soprano, tenor, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, O adoranda Trinitas, for tenor, bass, 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Veni Creator Spiritus, for soprano, bass, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Geist, Christian, Veni sancte Spiritus a 5, for 2 sopranos, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Hahn, Michael, Mein Sünd sind schwer und übergroß. Cantus, Bassus, Violino, Viola da gamba & BC [more info]
Johnson, Edward, Come again, MB XXII, n. 33b, p.100
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Ich bin eine Blume zu Saron. 2 Canti, Violino vel Violdigamba o vero trombone si placet [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Ihr Christen freuet euch à 4. 2 voc., Violin., Violadig. [more info]
[Nicholson, Richard?], Sweet, they say such virtue lies in your lips, MB XXII, n. 53, p.145
Österreich, Georg, Ist wohl dein Helden Muth for 2 tenors, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Welt gepriesnes Fürsten=Kind for 2 sopranos, violin, 3 violas da gamba and bc [more info]
Rosenmüller, Johann, O admirabile commerzium, Doi Alti e 4 viole ovvero tromboni
Scheidt, Samuel, Miserere mei, Deus. Cantus & Tenor voce & 4. Viol: d’ Gamb
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen for soprano, alto, oboe, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Herr lehre doch mich for soprano, bass, viol, strings and bc [more info]
Strauss, Christoph, Ave verum corpus ad elev. sub mis: à 8 (facsimile and transcription)
Wigthorpe, William, Smiths are good fellows, MB XXII, n. 57, p.156
Anonymous, Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein. for alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Bach, Georg Christoph, Siehe, wie fein u: lieblich für 2 Tenore und Bass, begleitet von Violin, drey Gamben und Basso [more info]
Bruhns, Nicolaus, Alleluja. Paratum cor meum a 6, 2 Tenori, 1 Basso, violino, 2 viole da gamba con Basso continuo [more info]
Buxtehude, Dietrich, Membra Jesu nostri VI Ad cor – Vulnerasti cor meum [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Ach, ich elender Mensch a 6. Alto, Tenore, Basso e 3 Violdigamba
Geist, Christian, Alleluja, Virgo Deum genuit [more info]
Geist, Christian, Media vita in morte sumus à 7
Hildebrand, Johann, Ach was erhebt sich doch die arme Erde. A.T.B. è. 2 violini Con 3 viole si piace
Meder, Johann Valentin, Quid est hoc quod sentio | a 6 | Canto, Alto, Basso con 2 Violini, Viola da gamba ed il Basso continuo [more info]
Österreich, Michael, Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, for 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins, Viola di gamba, bassoon and basso continuo [more info]
Peranda, Marco Giuseppe, Florete frangrantibus liliis a 7 [more info]
Peranda, Marco Giuseppe, O Jesu mi dulcissime a 8. 3 Voci con cinque Strom: [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Laudate pueri Dominum. C.C.T. Con 3 viol da gamba [more info]
Schelle, Johann, Gesegnet ist der Mann à 9. 2 Violini 3 Viol’di gamba Fagotto C. C. C. è Continuo [more info]
Schelle, Johann, Herr, lehre uns bedencken a 6. Violino, Violetta, Viola da gamba 2 Canti, Basso, Basso Continuo [more info]
Agricola, Georg Ludwig, Ich will schweigen a 4 voci con 4 viole di gamba [more info]
Ahle, Johann Georg, Hüter ist die Nacht schier dahin [more info]
Anonymous (Georg Ludwig Agricola or Johann Rosenmüller?), Kommet her zu mir alle, for 2 sopranos, alto, bass, 2 violins, 2 viols and bc [more info]
Aschenbrenner, Christian Heinrich, Die Seele Christi heilige mich a 8
Beyer, Johann Samuel, Drückt euch das schwere Joch der Sünden a 9 [more info]
Brieghel, Wolfgang Carl, Preise Jerusalem a 8. 2 C., A., B. & 4 violæ
Eberlin, Daniel, Ich kann nicht mehr ertragen a 11
Gletle, Johann Melchior, Brunnquell aller Güter. C.A.T.B. Con 4 viola di gamba in Pentecostes
Heizenröder, Sebastian, Alleluja, Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebt a 7 | 2 Violinen, Viola da gamba, Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso con Continuo doppio [more info]
J., S. (Samuel Jacobi?), Es ist ein elend jämmerlich Ding, for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, violin, 3 violas da gamba and b. c. [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Rufet nicht die Weisheit? à 8. 4 voc., 4 Instr., for SATB, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Wenn Du gessen hast und satt bist, for SATB, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Unser keiner lebt ihm selber [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Fahr hin, o Welt for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, violin, 3 viols and basso continuo [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Seelge Fürstin for 4 voices (SATB), 4 instruments and bc
Pfleger, Augustin, Friede sey mit euch à 7 (2 sopranos, tenor, bass, violin or treble viol, 2 bass viols and bc) [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, In tribulatione invocavimus Dominum à 7 C.C.T.T. cvon 3 viole da gamba [more info]
Weckmann, Matthias, Wenn der Herr die Gefangenen zu Zion erlösen wird. 4 voci con 5 stromenti [more info]
Cöler, Martin, Er nahm aber zu sich die Zwölfe a 10 5 Stimmen, 5 Instr. e Basso continuo
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Es woll uns Gott genädig seyn a 10 5 voci è 5 stromenti
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Selig sind die Toten, for 5 voices (SSATB), 4 instruments (viola da braccio/da gamba) and b.c.
Geist, Christian, Die mit Thränen säen werden. Motetto. a. 8 [more info]
Geist, Christian, Domine qui das salutem Regibus, for 2 Sopranos, Alto, Tenore, Basso, 2 Violini, Viola, Viola da gamba and Basso continuo [more info]
Heinlein, Paul, Miserere mei Deus. à 9, for 5 voices, 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Cum complerentur dies pentecostes for 2 sopranos, 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins, 2 violas da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Alberti, Innocenzio [?], Pavin of Alberti, MB XLIV, n. 97, p. 93
Alison, Richard, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 150, p. 49
Anonymous, A Galliard (from the „Hamond“ Book), MB XLIV, n. 112, p. 106
Anonymous, Duo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 113, p. 3
Anonymous, Duo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 114, p. 3
Anonymous, [Fantasia], Musica Britannica XLV, n. 137, p. 1
Anonymous, Fantasia à 7 violes, Uppsala, Dübensammlung imhs 409, fol. 1v-3r (score and parts)
Anonymous, textless pieces from Glogauer Liederbuch
Anonymous, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 151, p. 53
Anonymous, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 47, p. 68
Anonymous, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 13, p. 31
Anonymous, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 72, p. 25
Anonymous, Salvator mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 4, p. 13
Anonymous, Sonata à 3 Viole da gamba from Düben saml.
Anonymous, Sonata a 3 Viol. / 2 Violini con Violdagamba / ò Trombone [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata and suite for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo in A minor [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata a 2, Violin è Violdagamb con Basso continuo in A minor [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata ex C a 3, for 2 violins, bassoon or viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata italiana a 2 / Violino et Violdagamb: con Basso Contin: d’Incerto [more info]
[Ashton, Hugh], Hugh Ashton´s Maske, MB XLV, App. n. 1, p. 132
Baldwin, John, A Browning, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 124, p. 25
Baldwin, John, Coockow as I me walked, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 125, p. 29
Baldwin, John, In manus tuas Domine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 117, p. 6
Baldwin, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 152, p. 56
Baldwin, John, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 131, p. 120
Bevin, Elway, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 153, p. 60
Bevin, Elway, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 154, p. 63
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 118, p. 16
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 119, p. 18
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 120, p. 19
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 121, p. 21
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia V, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 122, p. 22
Blanks, Edward, Fantasia VI, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 123, p. 23
Blanks, Edward, Fantasy, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 138, p. 3
Brewster, In nomine (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 14, p. 34
Brewster, In nomine II, MB XLV, n. 132, p. 122
Buck, John, In nomine, MB XLV, n. 133, p. 124 / In nomine
Byrd, William, Fantazia n. 2 a 6
Byrd, William, Fantazia n. 3 a 6
Byrd, William, Pavan + Galliard a 6
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Sonata à 8 Instrumenti
Cobbold, William, Anome, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 139, p. 6
Cobbold, William, Sub diversis speciebus, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 140, p. 13
Cocke, Arthur, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 155, p. 66
Daman, William, Utremifasolla, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 1, p. 9
Daman, William, Beati omnes, MB XLV, n. 191, p. 34
Daman, William, Di sei soprani, MB XLIV, n. 67, p. 3
Dowland, John, Consorts in five parts (except the Lachrimæ or seaven teares)
Eglestone, John, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 156, p. 70
Eglestone, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 157, p. 73
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, Duo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 115, p. 4
Ferrabosco, Alfonso I, Utremifasolla, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 2, p. 11
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 48, p. 70
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 49, p. 75
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 50, p. 79
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, [Fantasia], MB XLV, n. 192, p. 37
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, Di sei bassi, MB XLIV, n. 68, p. 7
Ferrabosco I, Alfonso, A fancy, MB XLV, n. 127 , p. 107
Ferrabosco II, Alfonso, The six-part works
Gabrieli, Giovanni, Canzon V a 7, da Canzoni e Sonate, 1615
Gabrieli, Giovanni, Canzon VI a 7, da Canzoni e Sonate, 1615
Gibbons, Edward, What strikes the clocke? , Musica Britannica XLV, n. 126, p. 33
Gibbons, Edward, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 158, p. 75
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies I-VII and a Galliard of three parts, with the double bass
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies of four parts with the double bass
Gibbons, Orlando, Fantasies of six parts
Gibbs, John, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 159, p. 80
Golder, [Robert?], In nomine, MB XLV, n. 134, p. 126
Gussago, Cesare, 10 Sonate a a quattro, Venezia, 1608 [in original clefs] [in modernised clefs]
Gussago, Cesare, 20 Sonate a quattro, sei et otto, Venezia, 1608
Hake, Hans, Suites n. 1-10 à 3
Hake, Hans, Suite n. 8 à 3 in a
Hake, [John?], In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 160, p. 83
Harding, [James?], Duo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 116, p. 5
Harding, James, A fancy I, MB XLV, n. 128, p. 111
Harding, James, A fancy II, MB XLV, n. 129, p. 115
Jenkins, John, Pavan in d minor
Johnson, Robert [?], A knell of Johnson, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 39, p. 34
Kerll, Johann Caspar, Sonata a 3 for 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Legrenzi, Giovanni, Sonata Quinta a 4 Viole da gamba, o come piace, from La Cetra, op. X [more info]
Lupo, Thomas, Fantasia à 3 for 3 basses
Mallory, Miserere, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 42, p. 46
Mallory, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 51, p. 82
Mallory, Sol re sol mi sol, MB XLIV, n. 69, p. 12
Malvezzi, Cristofano, 4 Sinfonias from Intermezzi della Pellegrina, à 5 and à 6
Mericocke, Thomas, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 161, p. 86
Mudd, Henry, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 15, p. 37
Mudd, [Henry?], In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 52, p. 88
Mundy, [William?], O mater mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 32, p. 1
Mundy, [William?], Fantasia, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 33, p. 5
Mundy, [William?], Sermone blando, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 43, p. 49
Mundy, [William?], In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 53, p. 92
Mundy, William, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 54, p. 96
Mundy, John, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 162, p. 89
Mundy, John, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 163, p. 92
Mundy, John, In nomine III, MB XLV, n. 193, p. 41
Mundy, John, In nomine IV, MB XLV, n. 194, p. 43
Nicolai, Johann Michael, Sonata a 3 viole
Paradiso, Renaldo, A fancy, MB XLV, n. 130, p. 117
Parsley, Osbert, Salvator mundi, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 3, p. 12
Parsley, Osbert, The song upon a dial, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 44, p. 53
Parsley, Osbert, Spes nostra (a) , Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 45, p. 55
Parsley, Osbert, Spes nostra (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 45, p. 59
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 55, p. 102
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 16, p. 40
Parsley, Osbert, In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 17, p. 43
Parsons, Robert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 18, p. 45
Parsons, Robert, In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 19, p. 47
Parsons, Robert, Ut re mi fa sol la, MB XLIV, n. 12, p. 24
Parsons, Robert, De la court, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 34, p. 11
Parsons, Robert, A song of Mr Robert Parsons, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 35, p. 22
Parsons, Robert, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 56, p. 105
Parsons [?], Robert, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 74, p. 49
Parsons, Robert, In nomine V, MB XLIV, n. 75, p. 51
Parsons, Robert, The song called trumpets, MB XLIV, n. 70, p. 15
Picforth, In nomine (a), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 57, p. 109
Picforth, In nomine (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 57, p. 112
Poynt, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 20, p. 50
Poynt, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 58, p. 114
Praetorius, Bartholomaeus, Newe liebliche Paduanen und Galliarden mit fünff Stimmen, 1616
Preston, Thomas, O lux beata Trinitas, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 5, p. 14
Preston, Thomas, In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 21, p. 52
Purcell, Henry, Fantazies and In nomine in 3 to 7 parts
Pyttyns, Richard [?], Ruger, MB XLIV, n. 87, p. 86
Randall, William, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 164, p. 95
Sadler, John, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 165, p. 100
Scheidt, Samuel, Canzon à 5 voc. super O Nachbar Roland
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich, Sonata A 2. Violino è Viol di Gamba. 20 mahl variieret [more info]
Schuyt, Cornelis, Fasciculus III. Dodeci padovane et altretante gagliarde, a 6
Stannar, William, In nomine, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 166, p. 103
Stonings, [Henry?], Browning my dear, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 40, p. 40
Stonings, [Henry?], Miserere, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 46, p. 63
Stonings, Henry, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 22, p. 54
Stonings, Henry, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 59, p. 117
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 60, p. 121
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine II (a), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 61, p. 125
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine II (b), Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 61, p. 130
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 62, p. 135
Strogers, Nicholas, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 73, p. 30
Strungk, Nicolaus Adam, Sonata a 3. 2 Violini e Viola da gamba [more info]
Tallis, Thomas, A solfing song, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 36, p. 24
Tallis, Thomas, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 23, p. 56
Tallis, Thomas, In nomine II (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 24, p. 58
Taverner, John, In nomine (Part 5 ad lib.), MB XLIV, n. 25, p. 61
Taverner, John, Quemadmodum, MB XLIV, n. 71, p. 19
Thorne, John [?], In nomine, MB XLIV, n. 26, p. 63
Tye, Christopher, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 135, p. 128
Tye, Christopher, Sit fast, Musica Britannica XLV, app. 2
Tye, Christopher, Amavit eum Dominum, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 141, p. 17
Tye, Christopher, Laudes Deo, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 142, p. 20
Tye, Christopher, Rubum quem, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 143, p. 22
Tye, Christopher, Christus resurgens, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 144, p. 24
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 145, p. 27
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 146, p. 32
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 147, p. 37
Tye, Christopher, Dum transisset Sabbatum IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 148, p. 41
Tye, Christopher, O lux beata Trinitas, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 149, p. 45
Tye, Christopher, In nomine II, „Rachells weepinge“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 167, p. 106
Tye, Christopher, In nomine III, „Weepe no more Rachell“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 168, p. 109
Tye, Christopher, In nomine IV, „Howld fast“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 169, p. 111
Tye, Christopher, In nomine V, „Reporte“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 170, p. 114
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VI, „Seldom sene“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 171, p. 118
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VII, „Surrexit non est hic“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 172, p. 120
Tye, Christopher, In nomine VIII, „Rounde“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 173, p. 123
Tye, Christopher, In nomine IX, „Re la re“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 174, p. 126
Tye, Christopher, In nomine X, „Saye so“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 175, p. 129
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XII, „Beleve me“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 177, p. 134
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIII, „Trust“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 178, p. 137
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIV, „Follow me“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 179, p. 140
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XV, „My deathe bedde“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 180, p. 143
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVI, „Blamles“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 181, p. 146
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVII, [no title], Musica Britannica XLV, n. 182, p. 149
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XVIII, „I comme“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 183, p. 152
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XIX, „Crye“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 184, p. 156
Tye, Christopher, In nomine XX, „Free from all“, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 185, p. 160
Usper, Francesco, Sinfonia a 6
Ward, John, 6 Oxford Fantasies à 4
Weelkes, Thomas, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 186, p. 163
Weelkes, Thomas, In nomine I, MB XLV, n. 136, p. 130
White, Robert [?], In nomine II, MB XLIV, n. 28, p. 67
White, Robert, Christe qui lux, Verse 1, 2, MB XLV, App. n. 2, p. 138
White, Robert, Fantasia I, MB XLIV, n. 6, p. 5
White, Robert, Fantasia II, MB XLIV, n. 7, p. 8
White, Robert, Fantasia III, MB XLIV, n. 8, p. 11
White, Robert, Fantasia IV, MB XLIV, n. 9, p. 14
White, Robert, Fantasia V, MB XLIV, n. 10, p. 16
White, Robert, Fantasia VI, MB XLIV, n. 11, p. 20
White, Robert, In nomine I, MB XLIV, n. 27, p. 65
White, Robert, In nomine III, MB XLIV, n. 29, p. 70
White, Robert, In nomine IV, MB XLIV, n. 30, p. 72
White, Robert, In nomine V, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 63, p. 138
White, Robert, Mr White his song, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 37, p. 28
White, William, 6 Fantasies & 2 Pavans à 6
Woodcock, Clement, Hackney, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 38, p. 32
Woodcock, Clement, Browning my dear, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 41, p. 42
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 64, p. 141
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 65, p. 146
Woodcock, Clement, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLIV, n. 66, p. 149
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine I, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 187, p. 167
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine II, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 188, p. 171
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine III, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 189, p. 174
Woodson, Leonard, In nomine IV, Musica Britannica XLV, n. 190, p. 178
A. H. M., Meine Sehle Erhebet / den hern a doj Canti / e 5. viol di Gambe [facsimile in Uppsala library]
Agricola, Georg Ludwig, Ich will schweigen a 4 voci con 4 viole di gamba [more info]
Ahle, Johann Rudolph, Herr, nun lästu deinen Diener a 5
Ahle, Johann Georg, Hüter ist die Nacht schier dahin [more info]
Anonymous, Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein. for alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Anonymous, Born is the Babe, MB XXII, n. 46, p. 128
Anonymous, Come, Holy Ghost, MB XXII, n. 38, p. 112
Anonymous (Georg Ludwig Agricola or Johann Rosenmüller?), Kommet her zu mir alle, for 2 sopranos, alto, bass, 2 violins, 2 viols and bc [more info]
Anonymous, O Lord, turn not away thy face, MB XXII, n. 40, p. 116
Anonymous, The Lord of whom I do depend, MB XXII, n. 39, p. 114
Arnold, Georg, Adeste quotquot diligitis Jesum Alto solo con 4 viole
Aschenbrenner, Christian Heinrich, Die Seele Christi heilige mich a 8
Bach, Johann Christoph, Wie bist du denn, o Gott. in Zorn auf mich entbrannt (Lamento)
Bach, Johann Christoph (or Heinrich?) Ach, daß ich Wassers gnug hätte [more info]
Bach, Johann Michael, Ach, wie sehnlich wart ich der Zeit Canto solo, con 5 Instrument & Basso Continuo [original clefs] [modernized clefs]
Beyer, Johann Samuel, Drückt euch das schwere Joch der Sünden a 9 [more info]
Brieghel, Wolfgang Carl, Preise Jerusalem a 8. 2 C., A., B. & 4 violæ
Bruhns, Nicolaus, Alleluja. Paratum cor meum a 6, 2 Tenori, 1 Basso, violino, 2 viole da gamba con Basso continuo [more info]
Buxtehude, Dietrich, Chiccona: | Laudate Pueri Dominum:. | doi Sopran: Violdigamb: [more info]
Buxtehude, Dietrich, Membra Jesu nostri VI Ad cor – Vulnerasti cor meum [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Beati immaculati (Beati qui scrutantur testimonia eius a 13. 6 voc: con 7 instrom:)
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Gaudens gaudebo in Domino, for bass, violin, bassoon or viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Jesu nostra Redemptio, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salve Jesu summe bonus, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salvum me fac Deus | a 6 | Basso solo con doi | violin: e tre Viol: d G [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Wo wiltu hin? à 2 Canti et 2 o 3 violedigamba [more info]
Cöler, Martin, Er nahm aber zu sich die Zwölfe a 10 5 Stimmen, 5 Instr. e Basso continuo
Cöler, Martin, Gott ist getreu for soprano, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Cosyn, John, Now Israel may say, MB XXII, n. 41, p. 118
Cosyn, John, Except the Lord the house do make, MB XXII, n. 42, p. 120
Cosyn, John, Lord, to thee I make my moan, MB XXII, n. 43, p. 122
Cosyn, John, Yield unto God, MB XXII, n. 44, p. 124
Dowland, John, Lamentatio Henrici Noel / Mr. Henry Noell his Funerall Psalmes, 1597 [in original clefs] [in modernised clefs]
Ebart, Samuel, Miserere Christe mei e&c. | à 3. Tenore, Violino, Viola da gamba e Organo [more info]
Eberlin, Daniel, Ich kann nicht mehr ertragen a 11
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ach, daß ich doch in meinen Augen hätte, 4 Viol: 2 Vio:d’Gamb e Canto solo
Flor, Christian, Es ist gnug Herr. Ich bin nicht besser a 6 [more info]
Fiocco, Joseph Hector, Lamentatio secunda, for soprano, violoncello and b. c.
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Ach, ich elender Mensch a 6. Alto, Tenore, Basso e 3 Violdigamba
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Ich freue mich im Herrn, for 2 sopranos, 2 or 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Lobet den Herren, for soprano, tenor, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, O adoranda Trinitas, for tenor, bass, 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Selig sind die Toten, for 5 voices (SSATB), 4 instruments (viola da braccio/da gamba) and b. c.
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Veni Creator Spiritus, for soprano, bass, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Frescobaldi, Girolamo, Missa sopra l’aria della Monica a 8, [in original clefs] [in modernized clefs]
Gabrieli, Giovanni Sacrae Symphoniae a 8. Score Cantus Altus Tenor Bassus Quintus Sextus Septimus Octavus
Geist, Christian, Alleluja, Virgo Deum genuit [more info]
Geist, Christian, Die mit Thränen säen werden. Motetto. a. 8 [more info]
Geist, Christian, Domine qui das salutem Regibus, for 2 Sopranos, Alto, Tenore, Basso, 2 Violini, Viola, Viola da gamba and Basso continuo [more info]
Geist, Christian, Es war aber an der Stätte [more info]
Geist, Christian, Media vita in morte sumus à 7
Geist, Christian, Resurrexi et adhuc tecum a 4. Soprano con 2 Violini e viol da gamba [more info]
Geist, Christian, Veni sancte Spiritus a 5, for 2 sopranos, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Gletle, Johann Melchior, Brunnquell aller Güter. C.A.T.B. Con 4 viola di gamba in Pentecostes
Gletle, Johann Melchior, O benignissime Jesu for soprano, 2 violins, bassoon or trombone or viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Gussago, Cesare, Sacrarum Cantionum a 8
Hahn, Michael, Mein Sünd sind schwer und übergroß. Cantus, Bassus, Violino, Viola da gamba & BC [more info]
Hakenberger, Andrea, Sacri modulorum concentus a 8
Heinlein, Paul, Miserere mei Deus. à 9, for 5 voices, 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Heizenröder, Sebastian, Alleluja, Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebt a 7 | 2 Violinen, Viola da gamba, Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso con Continuo doppio [more info]
Hildebrand, Johann, Ach was erhebt sich doch die arme Erde. A.T.B. è. 2 violini Con 3 viole si piace
J., S. (Samuel Jacobi?), Es ist ein elend jämmerlich Ding, for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, violin, 3 violas da gamba and b. c. [more info]
Knüpfer, Sebastian, O benignissime Jesu etc. | â 6. ô 10. | 2 Violini, ouero Cornettini. | 1 Viola di gamba ô Bombard. | Alto. | Tenore. | Basso. | con | Continuo â doppio [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Absorta est mors, for alto, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Hilff Gott, wie glänzet dieses Haus. Sopran + 4 violdigambi
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Ich bin eine Blume zu Saron. 2 Canti, Violino vel Violdigamba o vero trombone si placet [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Ihr Christen freuet euch à 4. 2 voc., Violin., Violadig. [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Rufet nicht die Weisheit? à 8. 4 voc., 4 Instr., for SATB, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Surgite cum gaudio a 3. Violino, Viola da gamba, Canto e Continuo à Doppio [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Wenn Du gessen hast und satt bist, for SATB, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Lange, Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, cantata for bass, 2 flauti, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Quid est hoc quod sentio | a 6 | Canto, Alto, Basso con 2 Violini, Viola da gamba ed il Basso continuo [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Sufficit nunc Domine à Canto solo e Cinque Stromenti [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Unser keiner lebt ihm selber [more info]
Monteverdi, Claudio (doubtful attribution, more probably by Johann Rosenmüller), Confitebor tibi Domini a 6. Canto solo: con: 5: viole
Österreich, Georg, Fahr hin, o Welt for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, violin, 3 viols and basso continuo [more info]
Österreich, Michael, Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, for 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins, Viola di gamba, bassoon and basso continuo [more info]
Passerini, Francesco (?), Laudate pueri Dominum a 4. Doi Violini e Viol di gamba Con Alto [more info]
Peranda, Marco Giuseppe, Florete frangrantibus liliis a 7 [more info]
Peranda, Marco Giuseppe, O Jesu mi dulcissime a 8. 3 Voci con cinque Strom: [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Cum complerentur dies pentecostes for 2 sopranos, 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins, 2 violas da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Friede sey mit euch à 7 (2 sopranos, tenor, bass, violin or treble viol, 2 bass viols and bc) [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, In tribulatione invocavimus Dominum à 7 C.C.T.T. cvon 3 viole da gamba [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Iustorum animae a 5. Canto solo con 4 viole
Pfleger, Augustin, Laudate pueri Dominum. C.C.T. Con 3 viol da gamba [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, O divini amor numinis patris Canto solo & 4 strumenti
Pfleger, Augustin, Si quis est cupiens dapes mellifluas a 6 | Canto solo con doi violini e doi viole da gamba [more info]
Philetari, Didaco, Salve rex Christe fons Misericordiae. Canto solo con 4 viole
Radeck, Johann Martin, Herr wenn ich nur dich habe, for tenor, 2 violins, viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Rosenmüller, Johann, O admirabile commerzium, Doi Alti e 4 viole ovvero tromboni
Rosenmüller, Johann, Lieber Herre Gott, for soprano, 3 violas or trombone and bc
Scheidt, Samuel, Miserere mei, Deus. Cantus & Tenor voce & 4. Viol: d’ Gamb
Schein, Johann Hermann, Fürwar, er trug unsere Kranckheit, for tenor, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Schelle, Johann, Gesegnet ist der Mann à 9. 2 Violini 3 Viol’di gamba Fagotto C. C. C. è Continuo [more info]
Schelle, Johann, Herr, lehre uns bedencken a 6. Violino, Violetta, Viola da gamba 2 Canti, Basso, Basso Continuo [more info]
Schütz, Heinrich, Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott Canto solo con 5 viole
Selichius, Daniel, Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein a 5. Voce sola, e 4 Violis di Gamba
Senfl, Ludwig, Felices quicumque/Tandernak
Spahn, Johann Ernst, Quasi cedrus exaltata sum a 4. Violino, Viola da gamba, Harpa, Canto con Continuo [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet for soprano, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Bleibe bei uns for tenor, flute, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen for soprano, alto, oboe, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Herr lehre doch mich for soprano, bass, viol, strings and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Mache mich, o Geist der Liebe for alto, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sehet welch eine Liebe for alto, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sind wir denn Kinder for soprano, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Strauss, Christoph, Ave verum corpus ad elev. sub mis: à 8 (facsimile and transcription)
Strauss, Christoph, Missa pro defunctis Symphonia ad imitationem 10. voc. concertata cum Symphonia. original clefs modernized clefs alla quarta alta
Taverner, John, In nomine (from Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas-Sanctus)
Theile, Johann, Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein Soprano e doi viole da gamba, [more info]
Tunder, Franz, Ach Herr, laß deine lieben Engelein, Canto solo con 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, An Wasserflüssen Babylons, Canto e 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme | Canto con 4 viole
Vermeeren, Anthonis, Caro mea vere a 6 Canto solo con 5 viole
Weckmann, Matthias, Kommt her zu mir [more info]
Anonymous, O Death rock me asleep, MB XXII, n. 1, p. 1
Anonymous, Alas, alack, my heart is woe, MB XXII, n. 2, p. 4
Anonymous, Come tread the paths (Guichardo), MB XXII, n. 3, p. 6
Anonymous, Farewell the bliss, MB XXII, n. 4, p. 10
Anonymous, How can the tree, MB XXII, n. 17, p. 57
Anonymous, In terrors trapp´d, MB XXII, n. 18, p. 59
Anonymous, Mistrust misdeems amiss, MB XXII, n. 19, p. 61
Anonymous, The saint I serve, MB XXII, n. 20, p. 63
Anonymous, When May is in his prime, MB XXII, n. 23, p. 69
Anonymous, Ah, silly poor Joas, MB XXII, n. 24, p. 75
Anonymous, My little sweet darling, MB XXII, n. 25, p. 77
Anonymous, Without redress, MB XXII, n. 26, p. 79
Anonymous, In paradise, MB XXII, n. 27, p. 80
Anonymous, Come, Charon, come, MB XXII, n. 31, p. 91
Anonymous, My mind to me, MB XXII, n. 34, p. 101
Anonymous, My heart doth pant for sorrow, MB XXII, n. 35, p. 104
Anonymous, Complain with tears, MB XXII, n. 36, p. 106
Anonymous, What first did break thee, MB XXII, n. 37, p. 110
Anonymous, Of all jolly pastimes, MB XXII, n. 58, p. 159
Anonymous, What meat eats the Spaniard?, MB XXII, n. 59, p. 162
Anonymous, Hold, lingel, hold, MB XXII, n. 60, p. 165
Anonymous, The dark is my delight, MB XXII, n. 61, p. 168
Anonymous, This merry pleasant Spring, MB XXII, n. 62, p. 170
Anonymous, When Daphne from fair Phoebus did fly, MB XXII, n. 63, p. 173
Anonymous, Sweet was the song the Virgin sung, MB XXII, n. 64, p. 175
Bach, Georg Christoph, Siehe, wie fein u: lieblich für 2 Tenore und Bass, begleitet von Violin, drey Gamben und Basso [more info]
Benett, John, Eliza, her name gives honour, MB XXII, n. 47, p. 130
Benett, John, Venus’ birds, MB XXII, n. 48, p.132
Cobbold, William, For death of her, MB XXII, n. 13, p.41
Cobbold, William, Ye mortal wights, MB XXII, n. 14, p.44
Cobbold, William, Amids my bale, MB XXII, n. 28, p.84
Cobbold, William, The haughty hearts, MB XXII, n. 29, p.86
Dowland, John / Wigthorpe, William, Sorrow, come, MB XXII, n. 65, p.178
Farrant, Richard, Ah, alas, you salt sea gods (Abradad), MB XXII, n. 7, p.25
Farrant, Richard, O Jove, from stately throne, MB XXII, n. 8, p.29
Geist, Christian (?), Auff! ô Norden [more info]
Giles, Nathaniel, Cease now, vain thoughts, MB XXII, n. 15, p.50
Johnson, Edward, Eliza is the fairest Queen, MB XXII, n. 33a, p.99
Johnson, Edward, Come again, MB XXII, n. 33b, p.100
Mando, Patrick, Like as the day, MB XXII, n. 12, p.39
Mundy, [William?], Fie, fie, my fate, MB XXII, n. 30, p.88
[Nicholson?, Richard], Cuckoo, MB XXII, n. 49, p.134
Nicholson, Richard, In a merry May morn, MB XXII, n. 50, p.136
Nicholson, Richard, Joan, quoth John, MB XXII, n. 51 , p.139
Nicholson, Richard, No more, good herdsman, of thy song, MB XXII, n. 52, p.142
[Nicholson, Richard?], Sweet, they say such virtue lies in your lips, MB XXII, n. 53, p.145
Nicholson, Richard, I am not I of such belief (I), MB XXII, n. 54, p.151
Österreich, Georg, Gläntze, du erwünschtes Licht for soprano, 3 viols, violoncello and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Ist wohl dein Helden Muth for 2 tenors, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Seelge Fürstin for 4 voices (SATB), 4 instruments and bc
Österreich, Georg, Welt gepriesnes Fürsten=Kind for 2 sopranos, violin, 3 violas da gamba and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Zeige dich, erwünschtes Licht for soprano, 3 instruments and bc
Parsons, Robert, Enforc´d by love and fear, MB XXII, n. 5, p.15
Parsons, Robert, Pour down, your pow´rs divine (Pandolpho I), MB XXII, n. 6a, p.17
[Parsons, Robert], No grief is like to mine (Pandolpho II), MB XXII, n. 6b, p.22
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Send forth thy sighs, MB XXII, n. 10, p.34
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Prepare to die , MB XXII, n. 11, p.37
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Climb not too high, MB XXII, n. 32, p.96
Strogers, Nicholas, A doleful deadly pang, MB XXII, n. 9, p.32
Strogers, [Nicholas?], Mistrust not truth, MB XXII, n. 21, p.65
Strogers, [Nicholas], O heav´ly God, MB XXII, n. 22, p.67
Tomkins, John, O thrice-blessed earthbed, MB XXII, n. 16, p.53
Victoria, Tomàs Luis de, Motets, Psalms, Antiphons and Sequences a 4, a 5, a 6, a 8. Score Cantus Altus Tenor Bassus Quintus Sextus Septimus Octavus
Wigthorpe, William, I am not I of such belief (II), MB XXII, n. 55, p.153
Wigthorpe, William, Were I made juror, MB XXII, n. 56, p.155
Wigthorpe, William, Smiths are good fellows, MB XXII, n. 57, p.156
Anonymous, O Death rock me asleep, MB XXII, n. 1, p. 1
Anonymous, Alas, alack, my heart is woe, MB XXII, n. 2, p. 4
Anonymous, Come tread the paths (Guichardo), MB XXII, n. 3, p. 6
Anonymous, Farewell the bliss, MB XXII, n. 4, p. 10
Anonymous, How can the tree, MB XXII, n. 17, p. 57
Anonymous, In terrors trapp´d, MB XXII, n. 18, p. 59
Anonymous, Mistrust misdeems amiss, MB XXII, n. 19, p. 61
Anonymous, The saint I serve, MB XXII, n. 20, p. 63
Anonymous, When May is in his prime, MB XXII, n. 23, p. 69
Anonymous, Ah, silly poor Joas, MB XXII, n. 24, p. 75
Anonymous, My little sweet darling, MB XXII, n. 25, p. 77
Anonymous, Without redress, MB XXII, n. 26, p. 79
Anonymous, In paradise, MB XXII, n. 27, p. 80
Anonymous, Come, Charon, come, MB XXII, n. 31, p. 91
Anonymous, My mind to me, MB XXII, n. 34, p. 101
Anonymous, My heart doth pant for sorrow, MB XXII, n. 35, p. 104
Anonymous, Complain with tears, MB XXII, n. 36, p. 106
Anonymous, What first did break thee, MB XXII, n. 37, p. 110
Anonymous, Come, Holy Ghost, MB XXII, n. 38, p. 112
Anonymous, The Lord of whom I do depend (In nomine), MB XXII, n. 39, p. 114
Anonymous, O Lord, turn not away thy face, MB XXII, n. 40, p. 116
Anonymous, Born is the Babe, MB XXII, n. 46, p. 128
Anonymous, Of all jolly pastimes, MB XXII, n. 58, p. 159
Anonymous, What meat eats the Spaniard?, MB XXII, n. 59, p. 162
Anonymous, Hold, lingel, hold, MB XXII, n. 60, p. 165
Anonymous, The dark is my delight, MB XXII, n. 61, p. 168
Anonymous, This merry pleasant Spring, MB XXII, n. 62, p. 170
Anonymous, When Daphne from fair Phoebus did fly, MB XXII, n. 63, p. 173
Anonymous, Sweet was the song the Virgin sung, MB XXII, n. 64, p. 175
Benett, John, Eliza, her name gives honour, MB XXII, n. 47, p. 130
Benett, John, Venus’ birds, MB XXII, n. 48, p.132
Cobbold, William, For death of her, MB XXII, n. 13, p.41
Cobbold, William, Ye mortal wights, MB XXII, n. 14, p.44
Cobbold, William, Amids my bale, MB XXII, n. 28, p.84
Cobbold, William, The haughty hearts, MB XXII, n. 29, p.86
Cosyn, John, Now Israel may say, MB XXII, n. 41, p.118
Cosyn, John, Except the Lord the house do make, MB XXII, n. 42, p.120
Cosyn, John, Lord, to thee I make my moan, MB XXII, n. 43, p.122
Cosyn, John, Yield unto God, MB XXII, n. 44, p.124
Dowland, John / Wigthorpe, William, Sorrow, come, MB XXII, n. 65, p.178
Farrant, Richard, Ah, alas, you salt sea gods (Abradad), MB XXII, n. 7, p.25
Farrant, Richard, O Jove, from stately throne, MB XXII, n. 8, p.29
Giles, Nathaniel, Cease now, vain thoughts, MB XXII, n. 15, p.50
Johnson, Edward, Eliza is the fairest Queen, MB XXII, n. 33a, p.99
Johnson, Edward, Come again, MB XXII, n. 33b, p.100
Mando, Patrick, Like as the day, MB XXII, n. 12, p.39
Mundy, [William?], Fie, fie, my fate, MB XXII, n. 30, p.88
[Nicholson?, Richard], Cuckoo, MB XXII, n. 49, p.134
Nicholson, Richard, In a merry May morn, MB XXII, n. 50, p.136
Nicholson, Richard, Joan, quoth John, MB XXII, n. 51 , p.139
Nicholson, Richard, No more, good herdsman, of thy song, MB XXII, n. 52, p.142
[Nicholson, Richard?], Sweet, they say such virtue lies in your lips, MB XXII, n. 53, p.145
Nicholson, Richard, I am not I of such belief (I), MB XXII, n. 54, p.151
Parsons, Robert, Enforc´d by love and fear, MB XXII, n. 5, p.15
Parsons, Robert, Pour down, your pow´rs divine (Pandolpho I), MB XXII, n. 6a, p.17
[Parsons, Robert], No grief is like to mine (Pandolpho II), MB XXII, n. 6b, p.22
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Send forth thy sighs, MB XXII, n. 10, p.34
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Prepare to die , MB XXII, n. 11, p.37
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Climb not too high, MB XXII, n. 32, p.96
Strogers, Nicholas, A doleful deadly pang, MB XXII, n. 9, p.32
Strogers, [Nicholas?], Mistrust not truth, MB XXII, n. 21, p.65
Strogers, [Nicholas], O heav´nly God, MB XXII, n. 22, p.67
Tomkins, John, O thrice-blessed earthbed, MB XXII, n. 16, p.53
Wilbye, John, Ne reminiscaris, MB XXII, n. 45, p.126
Wigthorpe, William, I am not I of such belief (II), MB XXII, n. 55, p.153
Wigthorpe, William, Were I made juror, MB XXII, n. 56, p.155
Wigthorpe, William, Smiths are good fellows, MB XXII, n. 57, p.156
A. H. M., Meine Sehle Erhebet / den hern a doj Canti / e 5. viol di Gambe [facsimile in Uppsala library]
Agricola, Georg Ludwig, Ich will schweigen a 4 voci con 4 viole di gamba [more info]
Ahle, Johann Rudolph, Herr, nun lästu deinen Diener a 5
Ahle, Johann Georg, Hüter ist die Nacht schier dahin [more info]
Anonymous, Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein. for alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Anonymous (Georg Ludwig Agricola or Johann Rosenmüller?), Kommet her zu mir alle, for 2 sopranos, alto, bass, 2 violins, 2 viols and bc [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata and suite for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo in A minor [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata a 2, Violin è Violdagamb con Basso continuo in A minor [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata a 3 Viol. / 2 Violini con Violdagamba / ò Trombone [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata ex C a 3, for 2 violins, bassoon or viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Anonymous, Sonata italiana a 2 / Violino et Violdagamb: con Basso Contin: d’Incerto [more info]
Arnold, Georg, Adeste quotquot diligitis Jesum Alto solo con 4 viole
Aschenbrenner, Christian Heinrich, Die Seele Christi heilige mich a 8
Bach, Georg Christoph, Siehe, wie fein u: lieblich für 2 Tenore und Bass, begleitet von Violin, drey Gamben und Basso [more info]
Bach, Johann Christoph, Wie bist du denn, o Gott. in Zorn auf mich entbrannt (Lamento)
Bach, Johann Christoph (or Heinrich?) Ach, daß ich Wassers gnug hätte
Banchieri, Adriano, Memoramini a 8 (CATB CATB)
Beyer, Johann Samuel, Drückt euch das schwere Joch der Sünden a 9 [more info]
Brieghel, Wolfgang Carl, Preise Jerusalem a 8. 2 C., A., B. & 4 violæ
Bruhns, Nicolaus, Alleluja. Paratum cor meum a 6, 2 Tenori, 1 Basso, violino, 2 viole da gamba con Basso continuo [more info]
Buxtehude, Dietrich, Chiccona: | Laudate Pueri Dominum:. | doi Sopran: Violdigamb: [more info]
Buxtehude, Dietrich, Membra Jesu nostri VI Ad cor – Vulnerasti cor meum [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Beati immaculati (Beati qui scrutantur testimonia eius a 13. 6 voc: con 7 instrom:)
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Gaudens gaudebo in Domino, for bass, violin, bassoon or viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Jesu nostra Redemptio, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salve Jesu summe bonus, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salvum me fac Deus | a 6 | Basso solo con doi | violin: e tre Viol: d G [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Wo wiltu hin? à 2 Canti et 2 o 3 violedigamba [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Wo wiltu hin? à 2 Canti et 2 o 3 violedigamba [more info]
Cöler, Martin, Er nahm aber zu sich die Zwölfe a 10 5 Stimmen, 5 Instr. e Basso continuo
Cöler, Martin, Gott ist getreu for soprano, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Ebart, Samuel, Miserere Christe mei e&c. | à 3. Tenore, Violino, Viola da gamba e Organo [more info]
Eberlin, Daniel, Ich kann nicht mehr ertragen a 11
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ach, daß ich doch in meinen Augen hätte, 4 Viol: 2 Vio:d’Gamb e Canto solo
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ante oculos tuos, Domine. Soprano con tre instromenti
Fiocco, Joseph Hector, Lamentatio secunda, for soprano, violoncello and b. c.
Flor, Christian, Es ist gnug Herr. Ich bin nicht besser a 6
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Ach, ich elender Mensch a 6. Alto, Tenore, Basso e 3 Violdigamba
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Ich freue mich im Herrn, for 2 sopranos, 2 or 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Lobet den Herren, for soprano, tenor, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, O adoranda Trinitas, for tenor, bass, 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Selig sind die Toten, for 5 voices (SSATB), 4 instruments (viola da braccio/da gamba) and b. c.
Förtsch, Johann Philipp, Veni Creator Spiritus, for soprano, bass, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Frescobaldi, Girolamo, Missa sopra l’aria della Monica a 8, [in original clefs] [in modernized clefs]
Geist, Christian, Alleluja, Virgo Deum genuit [more info]
Geist, Christian (?), Auff! ô Norden [more info]
Geist, Christian, Domine qui das salutem Regibus, for 2 Sopranos, Alto, Tenore, Basso, 2 Violini, Viola, Viola da gamba and Basso continuo [more info]
Geist, Christian, Es war aber an der Stätte [more info]
Geist, Christian, Die mit Thränen säen werden. Motetto. a. 8 [more info]
Geist, Christian, Media vita in morte sumus à 7
Geist, Christian, Resurrexi et adhuc tecum a 4. Soprano con 2 Violini e viol da gamba [more info]
Geist, Christian, Veni sancte Spiritus a 5, for 2 sopranos, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Gletle, Johann Melchior, Brunnquell aller Güter. C.A.T.B. Con 4 viola di gamba in Pentecostes
Gletle, Johann Melchior, O benignissime Jesu for soprano, 2 violins, bassoon or trombone or viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Hahn, Michael, Mein Sünd sind schwer und übergroß. Cantus, Bassus, Violino, Viola da gamba & BC [more info]
Heinlein, Paul, Miserere mei Deus. à 9, for 5 voices, 3 violas da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Heizenröder, Sebastian, Alleluja, Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebt a 7 | 2 Violinen, Viola da gamba, Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso con Continuo doppio [more info]
Hildebrand, Johann, Ach was erhebt sich doch die arme Erde. A.T.B. è. 2 violini Con 3 viole si piace
J., S. (Samuel Jacobi?), Es ist ein elend jämmerlich Ding, for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, violin, 3 violas da gamba and b. c. [more info]
Kerll, Johann Caspar, Sonata a 3 for 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Knüpfer, Sebastian, O benignissime Jesu etc. | â 6. ô 10. | 2 Violini, ouero Cornettini. | 1 Viola di gamba ô Bombard. | Alto. | Tenore. | Basso. | con | Continuo â doppio [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Absorta est mors, for alto, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Hilff Gott, wie glänzet dieses Haus. Sopran + 4 violdigambi
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Ich bin eine Blume zu Saron. 2 Canti, Violino vel Violdigamba o vero trombone si placet [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Ihr Christen freuet euch à 4. 2 voc., Violin., Violadig. [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Mein Herz dichtet ein feines Lied a 18 con doi Chori, 8 voc., 10 Instrom.
Krieger, Johann Philipp, O Jesu, du mein Leben à 3. Alt, Viol., Violdg. [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Rufet nicht die Weisheit? à 8. 4 voc., 4 Instr., for SATB, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Surgite cum gaudio a 3. Violino, Viola da gamba, Canto e Continuo à Doppio [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Wenn Du gessen hast und satt bist, for SATB, 2 violins, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Lange, Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, cantata for bass, 2 flauti, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Legrenzi, Giovanni, Sonata Quinta a 4 Viole da gamba, o come piace, from La Cetra, op. X [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Quid est hoc quod sentio | a 6 | Canto, Alto, Basso con 2 Violini, Viola da gamba ed il Basso continuo [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Sufficit nunc Domine à Canto solo e Cinque Stromenti [more info]
Meder, Johann Valentin, Unser keiner lebt ihm selber [more info]
Monteverdi, Claudio (doubtful attribution, more probably by Johann Rosenmüller), Confitebor tibi Domini a 6. Canto solo: con: 5: viole
Nicolai, Johann Michael, Sonata a 3 viole
Österreich, Georg, Fahr hin, o Welt for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, violin, 3 viols and basso continuo [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Gläntze, du erwünschtes Licht for soprano, 3 viols, violoncello and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Ist wohl dein Helden Muth for 2 tenors, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Seelge Fürstin for 4 voices (SATB), 4 instruments and bc
Österreich, Georg, Welt gepriesnes Fürsten=Kind for 2 sopranos, violin, 3 violas da gamba and bc [more info]
Österreich, Georg, Zeige dich, erwünschtes Licht for soprano, 3 instruments and bc
Österreich, Michael, Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, for 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins, Viola di gamba, bassoon and basso continuo [more info]
Passerini, Francesco (?), Laudate pueri Dominum a 4. Doi Violini e Viol di gamba Con Alto [more info]
Pękiel, Bartłomiej, Audite Mortales, for 2 soprano, 2 altos, tenor and bass, 2 viole di gamba, violone and b. c. [more info]
Peranda, Marco Giuseppe, Florete frangrantibus liliis a 7 [more info]
Peranda, Marco Giuseppe, O Jesu mi dulcissime a 8. 3 Voci con cinque Strom: [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Cum complerentur dies pentecostes for 2 sopranos, 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins, 2 violas da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Friede sey mit euch à 7 (2 sopranos, tenor, bass, violin or treble viol, 2 bass viols and bc) [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, In tribulatione invocavimus Dominum à 7 C.C.T.T. cvon 3 viole da gamba [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, Iustorum animae a 5. Canto solo con 4 viole
Pfleger, Augustin, Laudate pueri Dominum. C.C.T. Con 3 viol da gamba [more info]
Pfleger, Augustin, O divini amor numinis patris Canto solo & 4 strumenti
Pfleger, Augustin, Si quis est cupiens dapes mellifluas a 6 | Canto solo con doi violini e doi viole da gamba [more info]
Philetari, Didaco, Salve rex Christe fons Misericordiae. Canto solo con 4 viole
Radeck, Johann Martin, Herr wenn ich nur dich habe, for tenor, 2 violins, viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Rosenmüller, Johann, O admirabile commerzium, Doi Alti e 4 viole ovvero tromboni
Rosenmüller, Johann, Lieber Herre Gott, for soprano, 3 violas or trombone and bc
Scheidt, Samuel, Miserere mei, Deus. Cantus & Tenor voce & 4. Viol: d’ Gamb
Schein, Johann Hermann, Fürwar, er trug unsere Kranckheit, for tenor, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Schelle, Johann, Gesegnet ist der Mann à 9. 2 Violini 3 Viol’di gamba Fagotto C. C. C. è Continuo [more info]
Schelle, Johann, Herr, lehre uns bedencken a 6. Violino, Violetta, Viola da gamba 2 Canti, Basso, Basso Continuo [more info]
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich, Sonata A 2. Violino è Viol di Gamba. 20 mahl variieret [more info]
Schütz, Heinrich, Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott Canto solo con 5 viole
Spahn, Johann Ernst, Quasi cedrus exaltata sum a 4. Violino, Viola da gamba, Harpa, Canto con Continuo [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet for soprano, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Bleibe bei uns for tenor, flute, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen for soprano, alto, oboe, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Herr lehre doch mich for soprano, bass, viol, strings and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Mache mich, o Geist der Liebe for alto, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sehet welch eine Liebe for alto, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sind wir denn Kinder for soprano, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Strauss, Christoph, Missa pro defunctis Symphonia ad imitationem 10. voc. concertata cum Symphonia. original clefs – modernized clefs – alla quarta alta
Strungk, Nicolaus Adam, Sonata a 3. 2 Violini e Viola da gamba [more info]
Theile, Johann, Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein Soprano e doi viole da gamba, [more info]
Tunder, Franz, Ach Herr, laß deine lieben Engelein, Canto solo con 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, An Wasserflüssen Babylons, Canto e 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme | Canto con 4 viole
Vermeeren, Anthonis, Caro mea vere a 6 Canto solo con 5 viole
Vertini, Pietro or Vesi, Simon, Laudate Dominum. Alto solo con 6 viole
Weckmann, Matthias, Kommt her zu mir [more info]
Weckmann, Matthias, Wenn der Herr die Gefangenen zu Zion erlösen wird. 4 voci con 5 stromenti [more info]