Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba

Sales, Pietro Pompeo (de Sala)
1729 circa -1797
work information
Sonata in two movements (Cantabile in G major, Allegro in D major) for harpsichord concertato and gambetta
(ca. 1770)
gambetta + cemb conc
D-ZL (without shelfmark, olim 92)
modern edition(s)
Walhall (Flassig), Charivari Agréable
further information
The Gambetta or Gambetta Inglese or Violetta di Gambe Inglese , in use in Augsburg and in the milieu of the landgrave of Hessen-Darmstadt, must have been, judging by the compositions for this instrument by Sales, Lang, Neubaur, Ursenbeck-Massimi and an anonymous author, an instrument in the tenor-contralto register. The presence of metal strings for resonance or plucking with the thumb (baryton) can be assumed but is not certain.

Fred Flassig, Die solistische Gambenmusik in Deutschland im 18. Jahrhundert, Göttingen, Cuvillier Verlag, 1998

, pp. 208-210, 292

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