Pez (Petz), Johann Christoph
Duplex genius sive Gallo-Italus Instrumentorum Concentus 12 constans Symphoniis, 2 Violinis cum Archiviola e Basso Continuo […]
Augsburg, Koppmayer; reprint: Amsterdam, Roger
D-ROu, NL-Usg
(reprint: D-Mbs, GB-Lbl, GB-LVu, S-Uu, US-NYp, US-Wc)
Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Bayern XXXV (sonatas 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12); Güntersberg
The term «archiviola» from the title is specified in the part book of the first edition as «Viola da Gamba ò Viola da Braccio». In the reprint of the collection, Amsterdam, Roger, n. d., only «violoncello» is indicated for the obbligato bass instrument.
A/I: P 1684, P 1685, ID 990049216