Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Graun, Carl Heinrich

C. H. Graun: 1704-1759
work information

Balli dell’opera Montezuma [1755] per il Viola da Gamba

post 1755
vg + vb

D-B KHB M 1847

modern edition(s)

Denkmäler Deutscher Tonkunst I/15, Anhang

further information

This is most likely a reduction of an otherwise unknown version for orchestra.
It is not specified which kind of viola da gamba should be used; the second voice – a generic bass – is perfectly suited to the bass viola da gamba, while the first voice – given its range and the chords employed – would be playable on a pardessus, which however was not widely used in Germany.


Flassig F., Die solistische Gambenmusik in Deutschland im 18. Jahrhundert, Göttingen, Cuvillier Verlag, 1998

Thouret G., Katalog der Musiksammlung auf der Königlichen Hausbibliothek im Schlosse zu Berlin, Leipzig, 1895, ristampa: Hildesheim, Olms Verlag, Breitkopf&Härtel, 1983

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