Couperin, François
Les Bagatelles
in Second livre de pièces de clavecin, X Ordre
Paris, Couperin, Boivin, Le Clerc
A-Wn, A-Wn-h, D-Mbs, B-Br, F-BO, F-Pa, F-Pn, GB-HAdolm, GB-Lam, GB-Lbl, NL-DHnmi, US-CAh
Broude Brothers; J. M. Fuzeau; L’Oiseau-Lyre
In this edition of the Second livre, the piece Les Bagatelles bears the following note: On peut jouer cette pièce à deux violes, ou deux dessus de violons et même à deux flutes. “ Violes" can be understood as both bass and treble viol; the piece – written in treble clef with some passages in alto clef for the second voice – can therefore be played both in the bass octave and in pitch. This indication is absent from the edition auteur; Foucault (RISM C 4289). I have not been able to verify its presence in the other editions (RISM C 4288, 4290-4292). The edition with this indication has a privilege dated 1733. It could therefore be a posthumous addition.
The same piece was included by Michel Blavet in his Troisième recueil de pièces (see).
A/I: C 4293/CC 4293, ID 990011657