Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Du Mont (Dumont), Henri

work information

Meslanges à II. III. IV. et V. parties, avec la basse-continue, contenant plusieurs chansons, motets, Magnificats, préludes, & allemandes pour l'orgue & pour les violes, et les litanies de la Vierge […] livre second
Troisième partie adjoustée aux préludes des meslanges […] pour un dessus de viole ou taille ou pour une basse de viole touchée à l’octave […]

place (and editor)

Paris, Robert Ballard

1657 (Meslanges), 1661 (Troisième partie)
voxS + voxT + voxB + vs + bc (vb + cemb, org)3 vg (vs, vt, vb) + bc (org)

D-Fschneider, F-Pn, F-Psg, GB-Lbl, S-Uu, US-PHzimmerman

online copy
modern edition(s)

Dovehouse (instrumental pieces) (modern copy in score, 20 pieces)

further information

The work contains chansons for several voices with an ad libitum part for dessus de viole and basso continuo with bass viol, and 3 instrumental pieces for 3 viols and basso continuo. The chansons are introduced by preludes written in the 1657 edition for dessus de viole, basse de viole and basse continué; the 1661 book (Troisième partie) adds a third part to be played on the treble or tenor viol or on the bass viol an octave lower.
In the instrumental pieces, the sizes of the viols are not specified; various combinations of vs, vt and vb are possible.
Similar instrumental pieces are included in Motets à deux voix, avec la basse-continue , Ballard, 1668, but without any specification of the instrumentation. They may be intended for viols as well.
In a manuscript by Gaillard (F-Pn Rés Vmd ms-48, Gallica, RISM ID 840018357), pp. 42-131, the 20 Préludes a 3 parties are copied and paraphrased, but without any instrumental indication.


Meslanges: A/I D 3701, ID 990015448
Troisième partie: A/1 D 3702, ID 990015449

Thematic index

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