Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Purcell, Henry

work information

Sonata in G minor for violin and basso continuo, Z 780, with a part for viol reconstructed by Thurston Dart

vl + vb + bc

A supposed version for violin, bass viol and b. c. is lost. A version for violin and b. c. is preserved in the so-called “Armstrong-Finch manuscript” (private collection).

modern edition(s)

The Works of Henry Purcell, Purcell Society, vol. 31

further information

Dart’s reconstruction of the viol part was based on editions for violin and piano by Alfred Moffat, Berlin, 1899, and Frederick Bridge, 1903.

Thematic index

Thurston Dart, Purcell’s chamber music, Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, vol LXXXV (1958-1959), pp. 81–93

Robert Illing, Henry Purcell, Sonata in G minor for violin and continuo, an account of its survival from both the historical and technical points of view, Adelaide, 1975

Peter Holman, A Purcell manuscript lost and found, Early Music, vol. 40/3,  2012, pp. 469–487

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