Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Lawes, William

work information

8 suites (Fantazia - Aire/Alman - Aire/Galliard) for one Treble Vyol And A Base Vyol

vs or vl + vb + org / vs + vb

GB-Ob ms.mus.sch. D.238-240 (autograph); GB-Ob ms.mus.sch. D.229 (autograph); GB-Ob ms.mus.sch. B.2 (autograph, 1 suite only); GB-Ob ms.mus.sch. C.90; GB-Lbl 10445 (parts of vl and vb only); GB-Lbl 29290 (organ); GB-Och ms. 430 (vl + org).
1 Almain published in a 2-part version, in
Court-ayres: or pavins, almaines, corants, and sarabands, of two parts, treble and basse, for viols or violins. Which may be performed in consort to the theorbo lute, or virginalls, London, John Playford, 1655, in GB-Lbl, GB-Ob (incomplete), US-CA (incomplete)
Courtly masquing ayres: containing almaines, ayres, corants, sarabands, morisco’s, jiggs &c of two parts treble and basse for viols or violins. Composed by several excellent masters […], London, W. Godbid for John Playford, 1662, in: GB-Ctc, GB-Lbl (incomplete), GB-Lcm
ms. in GB-Ob ms.mus.sch. D.236 and E.451

modern edition(s)

Musica Britannica LX; Musica Britannica XXI (3 suites); Steiner & Bell (1 suite)

further information

The indication of instrumentation derives from ms. C.90 in GB-Ob; in other sources the violin, instead of the treble viol, is indicated.


GB-Ob D.229: ID 800273359

Court-ayres : B/I 1655/5, ID 993121841
Courtly masquing ayres : B/I 1662/8, ID 993121888

Thematic index

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