Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Caix d'Hervelois, Louis de

work information

Premier Livre de Pièces de Viole avec la Basse Continuë (4 suites)

place (and editor)

Paris, auteur, Foucault; Amsterdam, Roger; Amsterdam, Le Cène

n. d.
vb + bc

esemplari a stampa: B-Br, B-BRc, D-Kl, F-B, F-Mc, F-Pn, F-R, F-T, F-TLc, F-V, GB-HAdolm, GB-Lbl, J-Tn, NL-Uim
ms. copies of single pieces in: F-Pn Vm7 6296; F-F Manuscrit de Foix; GB-Lms F.78 (suite in A maj.); S-SK 468 Hedevig Mörner, pp. 28v, 41

online copy
modern edition(s)

Durand , Atelier Philidor, Cornetto

further information

A copy of this work must also have been part of Sonsfeldt's musical collection, as can be seen from his catalogue (Des Herren General Major Frey Herrn von SonsFeldt Musicalisches Cathallogium, Jagdschloss Herdringen, Bibliotheca Fürstenbergiana, Arnsberg-Herdringen (D-HRD), Fü 3720a. Edition: Die Musikalien der Biblioteca Fürstenbergiana zu Herdringen, Kassel, Bärenreiter, 1988, p. 25v., no. 15) which shows the author's name and the beginning of the Avertissement .


ms. Mörner: Hedevig Mörner music book, contents and concordances, compiled by the facebook group Viola da gamba

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