Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Licaro (Angelo Caroli?)

work information

Trio for Flauto Traversso, Viola da Gamba and Basso, in G major

flt + vb + bc

D-ROu Mus. Saec. XVIII 66/7

modern edition(s)

Maders kleine Musikbibliothek (under the name of Angelo Antonio Caroli)

further information

The manuscript is anonymous, bearing only Pez's name added in lapis by a later hand. In the collection’s catalogue (Catalogus No. 3|7), however, the piece is registered under the name of a certain «Licaro». Ekkehard Krüger (see bibliography) proposes a dating of the manuscript before 1720 and an attribution to Angelo Caroli, of whom other compositions for transverse flute are known. He excludes for chronological reasons an association with the Bolognese composer Angelo Antonio Caroli (1701-1778) of whom only vocal works are known.


Ekkehard Krüger, Die Musikaliensammlung des Erbprinzen Friedrich Ludwig von Württemberg-Stuttgart und der Herzogin Luise Friederike von Mecklenburg-Schwerin in der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock, Beeskow, Ortus, 2006, vol. 2, pp. 171-172

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