Michl, Joseph Willibald
Aria «Sol tu sei» for soprano, viola da gamba, horns and strings
Il Trionfo della gloria | Cantata à Voce Sola Violino 1mo Violino 2do Viola da Gamba due Corni ex D et B Viola e Basso Del Sign. Giuseppe Michl. SchM B V:1
D-Dl Mus.1-J-3,5-6, pp. 22-45
Libroforte (Casonato, in preparation)
From 1770 or 1771 to 1777 Michl was Curfürstlicher Kammer-Compositeur of Maximilian III Joseph, elector of Bavaria who played the viola da gamba; it is therefore likely that the composition of this cantata dates from those years. The work was part of the music library of Maria Antonia Walburga, Maximilian's sister and wife of Frederick Christian of Saxony (see Catalogo della Musica, e de' Libretti di S.A.R. Maria Antonia, p. 128).
The range of the viola da gamba part (b-e’’), written in alto clef, could be theoretically suitable as well for an alto-tenor or even a treble viol.
SchM: Marius Schwemmer, Studien zu Genealogie, Biographie und Werk von Joseph Willibald Michl (1745-1816), Würzburg, Universität Würzburg, 2017