Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Simpson (Sympson), Christopher

1605 ca. - 1669
work information

11 preludes for bass viol solo, 11 divisions for the practice of Learners
in The Division-Violist: or, an introduction to the playing upon a ground […] To which are added some divisions made upon grounds for the practice of learners
Title of 2. edition: Chelys | minuritiorum artificio exornata | sive | minuritiones ad basin, etiam ex tempore modulandi ratio. | in tres partes distribuita . | The Division Viol, | or, | The Art of Playing Ex tempore upon a Ground. | Devided into three Parts. […]

place (and editor)

London, William Godbid (John Playford)

1. edition 1659; 2. edition 1665 with successive reprints
vb, vb + gr

print: B-Br, GB-Cu, GB-DU, GB-Lbl, GB-Lcm, GB-Ob, GB-Ouf, US-Cu, US-CAh, US-LAuc, US-NH, US-SM, US-Wc
ms. copies of some divisions and preludes: GB-Cfm MU ms. 645; GB-Cfm MU ms. 647; GB-DRc A.27 Falle; GB-Ob ms.mus. c.39; GB-Ob ms.mus.sch. C.61; GB-Ob ms.mus.sch. F.574

online copy
modern edition(s)

Broude Brothers; Curwen ed.; Dovehouse (1 division); Hofmeister; Katzbichler; King’s Music; Les Cahiers du Tourdion; Schirmer; Güntersberg (ms. A.27), Atelier Philidor , Ut Orpheus

further information

The first edition (1659) contained only 3 preludes , in the 1665 edition 8 more were added.
The pages with the 3 preludes and the subsequent divisions of the first edition were reprinted in 1665 from the same plates as can be inferred from the inconsistent page numbering.
The book also contains numerous musical examples in the text, some with a certain musical autonomy, including in particular a division An Example for carrying on a point upon a Ground .

Thematic index

Peter Holman, Continuity and Change in English Bass Viol Music: The Case of Fitzwilliam MU. MS 647, «The Viola da Gamba Society Journal», 1, 2007, pp. 20-50.

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