Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Schütz, Heinrich

work information

Historia, | der Freuden- und Gnadenreichen | Geburth Gottes und | Marien Sohnes, | Jesu Christi […], SWV 435 and 435b

Items with «violette»:

Intermedium I «Fürchtet euch nicht»

Intermedium VII «Stehe auf Joseph»

Intermedium VIII «Stehe auf Joseph»

for soprano, two violette and bc

place (and editor)

Dresden, Hering, Seyffert

voxS + 2 vs (or vs + vt) + bc


S-Uu Vok. mus. i hs. 71 (version SWV 435a)

S-Uu Vok. mus. i hs. 41:13 (copy Düben)

D-B SA 4661-12 (version SWV 435b)


D-B Mus.ant.pract. S 820

online copy
modern edition(s)
further information

The instrumental indication «violetta», used for the three intermediums, could designate either a da braccio or a da gamba instrument, but once - in the separate part of the Canto in l'intermedium I - the title specifies Canto solo con due Viole di gamba.

The two «violette» are notated in mezzosoprano clef.

In several separate parts one finds the indication «con 3 viole», «cum tribus violis» or «con tre stromenti», even though there are only two obbligato parts, for two violette. Evidently the viola, which doubles the bc throughout the piece, is also counted. (See the separate part

The printed editions contains only the part of the Evangelist and the bc.


manuscripts in S-Uu, SWV 435:

Intermedium I: ID 190025686, ID 190025687

Intermedium VII: ID 190025693

Intermedium VIII: ID 190025694

manuscript in D-B, SWV 435b:

ID 469466112


A/I S 2299

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