Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Sandoni, Pietro (Piero) Giuseppe

work information

«Lascio il core in quest'amplesso», cantata for soprano, 2 viole and basso continuo (theorbo)

place (and editor)

s. l. (London)

voxS + 2 vg (?) + bc

ms.: Handel House Museum, no. 1998.127, ff. 64-71

print: A-Wn, B-Bc, D-B, F-Pc, GB-CDp, GB-Lbl, GB-Lcm, I-Bc, US-NYp, US-Wc

modern edition(s)

print: Forni

further information

In the printed version the obligato instruments of the cantata are unspecified; one is notated in treble clef, the other in tenor clef. In the manuscript version the cantata bears the title Cantata a voce sola con due viole e teorba d[e]l Pier Giuseppe Sandoni; the obligato parts of the two viole are in treble clef, possibly to be read an octave lower.

Peter Holman (see bibliography) assumes that the parts are intended for two violas da gamba.


print: A/I S 873, ID 992000834


Peter Holman, A new source of bass viol music from 18th-century England, «Early Music», 31/1, 2003, pp. 81-97: 88-89

Peter Holman, Life after Death: the Viola da Gamba in Britain from Purcell to Dolmetsch, Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2010, pp. 125-127

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