Knüpfer, Sebastian
Ex Matth. 8.8 | O benignissime Jesu etc. | â 6. ô 10. | 2 Violini, ouero Cornettini. | 1 Viola di gamba ô Bombard. | Alto. | Tenore. | Basso. | con | Continuo â doppio. | del Sigr | Knüpffer.
D-Dlb Mus. 1825-E-513
While in the title the alternative instrument for the viol is called Bombard , on the separate part the indication is Trombone ò vero Viola di gamba.
Two dates of posthumous performances are annotated on the title page of the manuscript: Dominica 3. post Epiph. 1700. | -- 1706.
David William Krause: The Latin Choral Music of Sebastian Knüpfer with a Practical Edition of the Extant Works, dissertation, University of Iowa, 1974