Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Händel, Georg Friederich (Handel, Hendel, George Frideric)

work information

Cantata “Tra le fiamme” (Il consiglio) HWV 170, for soprano, 2 recorders, oboe, viola da gamba, 2 violins and basso continuo

place (and editor)


voxS + 2 rec + 2 vl + bc (aria 1), voxS + ob + 2 vl + bc (aria 2), voxS + 2 vl + bc (aria 3)

autograph in GB-Lbl R.M. 20.d.13
copies: D-MÜs Santini Hs. 1903, f. 1-58 (Roman copyists, Angelini); D-B mus. BP 373; GB-Ob mus.d.61, f. 192-230

online copy
modern edition(s)

Chrysander Band 52b, 1889, S. 66-78

further information

Marx’s datation in 1707 is contradicted by Kirkendale, Ursula, Handel with Ruspoli. New Documents from the Archivio Segreto Vaticano, December 1706 to December 1708, «Studi musicali», 2003, p. 301-348 and Articles Viola da gamba, Violoncello, Contrabbasso in «Händel-Lexikon» (Händel-Handbuch, Vol. 6), Laaber, Laaber Verlag, 2011. The presence of the viola da gamba links the cantata to the German violist Ernst Christian Hesse who visited Rome in 1708.
The cantata has been print first in 1797.

Hans Joachim Marx, Händel in Rom, Händel Jahrbuch, 1983, p. 111

Julie Anne Sadie, Handel. In Pursuit of the Viol, «Chelys» 14 (1985), pp. 3-24

, p. 5 e nota 29

Ursula Kirkendale, Handel with Ruspoli. New Documents from the Archivio Segreto Vaticano, December 1706 to December 1708, «Studi musicali», 2003, p. 301-348

, p. 319

Bettina Hoffmann, articles Viola da gamba, Violoncello, Contrabbasso in «Händel-Lexikon» (Händel-Handbuch, Vol. 6), Laaber, Laaber Verlag, 2011

, article Viola da gamba

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