Torri, Pietro (formerly attributed also to Agostino Steffani)
Briseide | Dramma per | Musica | da recitarsi | alla | Corte Elettorale d’Hannover | per il | Carnevale dell’Anno 1696
Items with viola da gamba:
I,14, Aria «Tu ti parti dal mio seno», in G minor, for soprano (Alcea), viola da gamba and basso continuo
III,15, Recitativo accompagnato «Rivolgi gl'occhi a la mia strage», with a part for Viola da Gamba con Arpeggio (in D-Mbs 172), Viola da Gamba arpeggiata (in GB-Lbl R.M.23.f.10 (12)
III.15, Aria «Invisibile al mio Core», in G minor, for soprano (Briseide), viola da gamba and basso continuo
A-Wn Mus.Hs.17161/1-3 (3 vol.)
D-Mbs 172 (3 vol.)
D-Bsa SA 951 (1 vol.)
GB-Lbl Add. MS 32581 (1 vol.)
GB-Lbl R.M.23.g.21 (1 vol.)
GB-Lbl R.M.23.g.22 (1 vol.)
GB-Lbl R.M.23.f.10 (12), pp. 99-101 (aria Invisibile al mio core)
GB-Lam MS 24 (anthology) (A-Wn, act I) (A-Wn, act III) (D-Mbs)
DTB 23 (recitativo Rivolgi gl'occhi )
Moreover, three arias from this opera are known in different versions with viola da gamba.
One is included in the pasticcio Le Peripezie della Fortuna:
• II,5, Aria «Onde chiare imparate» (here with 2 oboes) [see]
Two are included in Torri’s autograph manuscript Trastulli:
• I,11, Aria «Hai finito à tanti guai» (here with strings) [see]
• III,8, Aria «Nel mio fiero penar» (here with oboe) [see]
Apart from the different instrumentation, the versions differ in the instrumental introductions, the accompaniment in the B part and other minor details.
ID 806042605 (GB-Lbl)
ID 800256525 (GB-Lbl)
ID 800256524 (GB-Lbl)
ID 800254875 (GB-Lbl)
ID 469095100 (D-B SA)
ID 456010788 (D-Mbs)
Susanne Herre, The Viola da gamba in German Baroque Opera: New findings and a closer examination of Pietro Torri's works, Den Haag, thesis, 2015, pp. 14-23, 31-33