Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Bates, Thomas

fl 1650-1680
work information

10 pieces for lyra viol in John Playford, Musick’s Recreation: on the Lyra Viol. Being a choice Collection of New and Excellent Lessons for the Lyra Viol, both easie and delight-full for all young Practitioners, and subsequent editions

place (and editor)

London, Playford (and Godbid)

1652/55,1661, 1669, 1682

GB-DRc, GB-Lbl, GB-Lcm (incomplete), GB-Ob, US-SM, US-Wc

modern edition(s)

Cornetto-Verlag ( Musick’s Recreation 1652), Hinrichsen ( Musick’s Recreation 1682), Atelier Philidor ( Musick’s Recreation 1682), Adams ( Musick’s Recreation )

further information

The four editions of Musick's Recreation have slightly divergent titles and contents. The first two were edited by John Playford, the third by W.[illiam] Godbid and John Playford, the fourth by A.[nn] G.[odbid] and John Playford.
See also

Thematic index

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