Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Telemann, Georg Philipp

work information

VI Sonate a Flauto, Violino & Viola di Gamba

fl + vl + vg (+ bc?)


further information

Known from Selhof, Nicolas, Catalogue d’une très belle bibliothèque de livres, Den Haag, Moetjens, 1759 (edizione facsimile: Amsterdam, Knuf, 1973)., p. 217, n° 2341, listed among the Musique en manuscrit , Symphonies . In the Selhof catalogue the presence of the basso continuo is regularly indicated; if it had been omitted in this case by mistake, it could be that they are manuscript copies of the Quadri or the Nouveaux quatuors , which on the other hand are not consistent in form with these sonatas.


Nicolas Selhof, Catalogue d’une très belle bibliothèque de livres, Den Haag, Moetjens, 1759 (facsimile edition: Amsterdam, Knuf, 1973)

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