anonymous, attributed to Vejvanovsky, Pavel Josef (Weiwanowsky, Wegwanowsky, Paul Joseph)
Sonata: à 10. | 2: Violini | 3: Violae: | 2: Clarini: | 2: Violae da Gamba: | 1 Violone: | Ao 1665 | Scriptum
The violas da gamba have a solistic function as well as the clarini and the violins.
The size of the viols is not specified; the overall range of the two parts (G-c’’) suggests the use of an alto-tenor size at least for the Viola da Gamba Prima.
Marc Strümper, Die Viola da gamba am Wiener Kaiserhof, Tutzing, Schneider, 2004, pp. 280-281