Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba

Bach, Johann Christian
work information
Sonata in F maj. for harpsichord or pianoforte and viola da gamba (?) WarB. B 15b
Title in ms. Finney:
Sonata per il Cembalo
Title in ms. Kulukundis: Sonata, a Piano, e Forte Del Sig. G. C. Bach
ca. 1779
cemb or pf + vb
US-AUS Finney 8 (9)
US-NY, Kulukundis collection, depositum in D-LEb Kulukundis 1.5-5
online copy
modern edition(s)
Güntersberg; Garland (Warburton-1999 vol. 48:3, p. 587-591)
further information
The viola da gamba is not mentioned in either of the two manuscripts; however, there are some, if weak, indications in the part that support this destination.
A version
for harpsichord or pianoforte and violin or flute was edited in: Johann Christian Bach, Six Sonatas for the Harpsichord or Piano forte with an Accompanyment for the Violin or german flute [...], op. XVI, London, Welcker, 1779 , and subsequent editions (RISM RISM, Einzeldrucke vor 1800, Kassel, Bärenreiter, 1971-2012 B350-357), n. 6.

Peter Holman, Life after Death: the Viola da Gamba in Britain from Purcell to Dolmetsch, 2010

, p. 226

Ernest Warburton, The Collected Works of Johann Christian Bach, with Thematic Catalogue, New York, London, 1999

, pp. 29-32

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