Bassani, Orazio (Orazio della Viola)
2 toccatas for viola da gamba and bass:
Tocata del Sig.r Oratio bassani
Tocata per b.quadro del sud.[det]to
I-Bc C.85, fol. 10v-11r
Indiana University Press, Septenary Editions
The manuscript was copied by Francesco Maria Bassani, nephew of Orazio.
The two toccatas have two different ranges: C-c’’ the first, AA-a’ the second. They might be intended for two instruments with different tunings (one in D, the other in AA) or for a transposed execution.
Joëlle Morton, Redefining the Viola Bastarda: A Most Spurious Subject, «The Viola da Gamba Society Journal», 8, 2014, pp. 1-64.