Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba

Capricornus (Bockshorn), Samuel Friedrich (attributed)
work information
Continuation der neuen wohl angestimmten Taffel-Lustmusic mit 3. 4. Instrumenten una cum Basso Con. (6 sonatas for 2 violins, viola da gamba [?] and basso continuo)
place (and editor)
s. l., s. n. (Dillingen an der Donau, Johann e Caspar Bencard)
2 vl + vb + bc
A-Wn (incomplete, only vl. I, vl II, bc)
modern edition(s)
S.P.E.S. ( Prothimia )
further information
Neither the title nor the only preserved exemplar, devoid of viola da gamba parts, enlighten us on the instrumentation of this work. The same six sonatas drawn from the same plates are, however, included in the Prothimia suavissima sive duodena secunda sonatarum selectissimarum under the initials F. S. A. B., a work generally attributed to Antonio Bertali (see) in which the third voice is unequivocally assigned to the viola da gamba, as the part-book is titled «viola da gamba». Only sonata II bears the additional indication «Fagotto o viola».
Sonata IV is concordant with S-Uu imhs 13:6, there for 2 vl, fag and bc, and attributed to Antonio Bertali.

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