Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba

Radeck (Radack), Martin Johann
1623 (?) - 1684
work information
Sonata / Violadagamba Solo in B flat major
vb + bc (+ vb?)
GB-Ob D.249 n. 19, ff. 120-123
modern edition(s)
Charivari Agréable, Cornetto
further information
The accompaniment part presents a number of obbligato passages written in alto and soprano clef, often in parallel thirds, which frequently go higher than the solo viol part; it is therefore very likely that the b. c. was doubled by a second viola da gamba, although a performance with two viols without a harmonic instrument seems to be excluded by the diligent figuring of the bass.

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