Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Händel (Handel, Hendel), Georg Friederich (George Frideric) or Leffloth, Johann Matthias

Händel: 1685-1759; Leffloth: 1705-1731
work information

Sonata a Cembalo obligato Viola di Gamba del Signore Hendel (title in D-DS; Händel’s name deleted and changed in Leffloth by a different hand) in C major HWV Anh. B 417

vb + cemb conc

D-DS (1739, copyist Christoph Graupner), lost
D-B SA 3788
D-B SA 4693
D-Hs MB/1685:11 (2 copies, 1750 circa and 1780-1800 circa)
S-L Wenster U.1 (incomplete, viola da gamba part missing)
D-B 9121 and 9104 (modern copies, Klingenberg)

online copy
modern edition(s)

Bärenreiter-Hortus Musicus; Chrysander, Händels Werke, XLVIII, pp. 112-117; Schott; Güntersberg

further information

On the title page of the 1739 Darmstadt manuscript – which is now lost, but is described by Einstein 1902 – the original attribution to Signore Hendel was crossed out and corrected with the name Leffloth . In other sources and in the Breitkopf catalogue of 1762 and 1763 (Catalogo delle sinfonie che si trovano in manoscritto nella officina musica di Giovanno Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf in Lipsia, Leipzig, Breitkopf, 1762, with successive Supplementi 1766-1787. (Facsimile reprint edited by Barry S. Brook, The Breitkopf Catalogue, 1762-1787, New York, Dover, 1966)) the sonata is attributed to Händel. The indication of the lost Darmstadt manuscript and the style of the work make the attribution to Händel extremely doubtful.
The sources preserved in the Singakademie Berlin and in Lund, and Catalogo delle sinfonie che si trovano in manoscritto nella officina musica di Giovanno Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf in Lipsia, Leipzig, Breitkopf, 1762, with successive Supplementi 1766-1787. (Facsimile reprint edited by Barry S. Brook, The Breitkopf Catalogue, 1762-1787, New York, Dover, 1966) suggest the viola da braccio instead of viola da gamba. The Hamburg source suggests an alternative instrumentation with the violin tuned one tone above.


D-B SA 3788: ID 469378800
D-Hs: ID 450015033
S-L: ID 190002644
D-B Klingenberg: ID 452014308 and ID 452014322


Hans Joachim Marx, Die G. F. Händel zugeschriebenen Kompositionen, 1700-1800 (HWV Anh. B), Hildesheim, 2017

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