Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba

Falconieri (Falconiero), Andrea
1585 o 1586 - 1656
work information
Il primo libro di canzone, sinfonie, fantasie, capricci, brandi, correnti, gagliarde, alemane, volte, per violini e viole, overo altri stromenti a uno, due, e tre con il basso continuo
place (and editor)
Napoli, Pietro Paolini and Gioseppe Ricci
2 vl + vb + bc
further information
With the term viola , used not only in the title but also in the third part of the three-part songs, Falconieri may have meant either a braccio or a gamba instrument; but in any case the viola part is intended for a bass instrument because for long passages it is in unison with the basso continuo part.
The title
Canciona a 3 dicha La Preciosa echa para Don Enrico Butler has led many scholars to attribute this piece and the following Su Gallarda to Henry Butler . A comparison with other similar titles in the same book shows, however, that echa para should be translated not as "made by" but as "made for", i.e. as a kind of homage to the famous viola da gamba player, a further argument for the use of the viola da gamba in this work.

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