Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Nub (Georg Nuub?)

1600 circa - 1661
work information

Sonata à 3 / 2 Violini e Viola da Gamba del Sig.r Nub

2 vl + vb + bc
further information

The composer is indicated on the manuscript by his surname only; the connection with Georg Nub or Nuub, instrumentalist of the Kaiserlichen Hofmusikkapelle in Vienna, was first suggested by Einstein, p. 53. Carl Israel and Ernst Hermann Meyer attributed the sonata to Franz Christoph Neubauer (1760 circa-1795), an attribution that is certainly erroneous given the typically 17th-century character of the composition.

The partbooks are labelled «Violino I°», «Violino 2°», «Viola», «Organo».


Alfred Einstein, Zur deutschen Literatur der Viola da Gamba im 16. und 17 Jahrhundert, Leipzig, Publikationen der Intern. Musikgesellschaft, 1905; ristampa: Wiesbaden, Sändig, 1972

, pp. 49 and 53

Marc Strümper, Die Viola da gamba am Wiener Kaiserhof, Tutzing, Schneider, 2004

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