Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Finger, Gottfried (Godfrey)

1660 ca. - 1730
work information

Sonatae XII Pro Diversis Instrumentis quarum tres priores pro violino & viola di gamba, proximae tres pro II violinis & viola di basso, tres sequentes pro III violinis, reliquae pro II violinis & viola, omnes ad Basin Continuum pro Organo seu Clavicymbalo formantur […] opus primus

place (and editor)

London, s. n.; Amsterdam, Estienne Roger

vl + vb + bc, 2 vl + vb + bc

D-LEm, F-Pn, GB-Ckc (incomplete), GB-Cmc, GB-DRc, GB-Lbl, GB-LEc (incomplete), GB-Ob (incomplete), GB-T, US-NYp
ms. copies:
B-LVu P206, fasc. Ml 43 (incomplete, vl I missing, viol part labelled «violoncello»)
F-LYm 129.949
Sonata V, in S-Uu im. hs. 15:9 (Sonata | à 3 | 2 Violino. | 1 Violdigamba. | è | Basso Continuo | di | Signor Friederich Finger | Andreas Dubenn d 10 Novembris Anno 1692)
Sonata XI, in S-Uu im. hs. 13:10 (Sonata | a | 2 | Violin. | e | 1 Violdigamba. | è | Basso Continùo. | A Dubenn | d 24 Novembris | Anno 1692)

online copy
modern edition(s)

Amadeus (sonate 1-3); JPH Publications, Cornetto

further information

The print distinguishes clearly between «viola da gamba» (sonatas I-III), «basso di viola» (called «viola di basso» in the part books, sonatas IV-VI, meaning certainly the bass instrument of the violin family), and «viola» (called «viola di [or da] brazzo» in the partbooks, sonatas X-XII). The parts for viola da gamba are clearly idiomatic to the instrument.
In the manuscript copies by Andreas Düben of sonatas V and XI (S-Uu 15:9 and 13:10), the parts originally for basso di viola and viola da braccio – instrumentally less distinctive – are instead assigned to the viola da gamba.
The copy in S-Uu im. hs. 13:10 is anonymous and bears only the name of the copyist Andreas Düben; the sonata was therefore once attributed to Andreas Düben himself.

Thematic index

Robert Rawson, From Olomouc to London: the Early Music of Gottfried Finger (c.1655-1730), 2 vols., dissertation, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2002

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