Young, William (Jung, Joungh, Younge) (?)
Prelude and divisions in D minor (Fancy in d) for two bass viols or for one bass viol and ground
GB-DRc D.2, no. 45 (attributed to Young)
D-SÜN ms. 12, Sonata 7 Grandoena (anonymous, manuscript connected with Gottfried Finger, see)
GB-Lcm C.41/2 (manuscript bound in the back of a copy of Chr. Simpson, The division-violist, 1659), pp. 55-56 (incomplete)
The sources GB-DRc D.2 and D-SÜN concord except for minor melodic variants.
In GB-Lcm C.41/2 the piece is scored for one viol and ground. Missing pp. 49-54 of the manuscript, it offers only the «Ground» and the end of the divisions.
The concordances has been identified by Luke Challinor in 2024.
ms. D.2: ID 806934432
ms. D-SÜN: ID 450027687 Young-2, no. 22