Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Kammell, Antonín (Kamel, Anton)

1730-1784 (?)
work information

6 solos for viola da gamba

vb (+ bc?)


further information

The pieces are known thanks to a letter by Anton Kammell to count Waldstein, dated 20 October 1766, in which he informs him that he composed «52 solos for the violin, which, to tell the truth, are very beautiful, and 6 for the Viola da Gamba, which start in a very decorative way».

According to the terminology of the time, it is likely that these «Solos» had an accompaniment; Kammell himself uses the term in this sense in the title of his Opus VIII: «Six solos for the violin with a thorough bass for the harpsichord».


Andrew Baker, Rediscovering Antonín Kammell, «Journal of Czech and Slovak Music» 29 (2020), pp. 35–72 (revised online version).

Michaela Freemanová and Eva Mikanová, 'My Honourable Lord and Father . . .': 18th-Century English Musical Life through Bohemian Eyes, «Early Music», vol. 31/2 (2003), pp. 210-231.

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