Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


anonymous transcriber

transcriptions of Giulio Caccini and anonymous

work information

Italian madrigals, set for voice and lyra viol:

«Amarilli mia bella» (Caccini)

«Dolcissimi sospiri» (Caccini)

«Crud’Amarilli» / «Ma grideran per me le piaggie» (anonymous)

voxS + lv

GB-Lbl Egerton ms. 2971, fol. 24-29

modern edition(s)

Joëlle Morton

«Crud’Amarilli» in Peter Walls, Lyra viol song, Chelys 5 (1973-4), pp. 74-75 

«Amarilli mia bella» in Mary Cyr, A Seventeenth-Century source of ornamentation for voice and viol: British Museum MS. Egerton 2971, R.M.A. Research Chronicle, 9 (1971), pp. 70-71

further information

The transcription consists in a diminuished version of the vocal part, with a realisation of the basso continuo in viol tablature.

«Amarilli mia bella» and «Dolcissimi sospiri» by Giulio Caccini appeared first in his Le nuove musiche, Firenze, Marescotti, 1602, for voice and basso continuo.

The poems of «Crud’Amarilli»/«Ma grideran per me le piaggie» are by G.B. Guarini (Il pastor fido), set to music by many composers. The versions by B. Pallavicino, Monteverdi, De Wert, D’India and Marenzio does not fit with the one of the manuscript.


Peter Walls, Lyra viol song, Chelys 5 (1973-4), pp. 68-75 

Mary Cyr, A Seventeenth-Century source of ornamentation for voice and viol: British Museum MS. Egerton 2971, R.M.A. Research Chronicle, 9 (1971), pp. 53-72

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