Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Fux, Johann Joseph

work information

Gli ossequi della notte: Al gloriosissimo nome della sac. ces. real maesta dell'imperatrice Amalia Wilhelmina, L’anno 1709, FuxWV II.2.9, KFux 305

Items with viols:

aria «Su’l mortal che stanco giace» for tenor (Sonno), chalumeau, 4 violas da gamba unisono, violins and bc

aria «Caro mio Ben» for tenor (Sonno), viola d’amore, 2 violas da gamba and bc

place (and editor)


voxT + chal + 4 vb + str + bc, voxT + vladam + 2 vb + bc

A-Wn Mus. Hs. 17998 (score), pp. 48v-61v and 76v-82r

A-Wn Mus. Hs. 17999 (separate parts)

online copy


Separate part of Prima Viola da Gamba

Strümper, Viennese music with viols: «Su’l mortal che stanco giace», «Caro mio ben»

modern edition(s)

Hollitzer (2021)

further information

It is the only Viennese opera of which a detached part for viola da gamba survives. This part, for Prima Viola da Gamba, contains - in addition to the solo parts of the two arias - the bass part of all the arias and symphonies of the opera. The viola thus played the bass in the entire opera, with the exception of the recitatives only.


Strümper, Marc, Die Viola da gamba am österreichischen Kaiserhof, Tutzing, Schneider, 2004, pp. 156-157

Thomas Hochradner, Thematisches Verzeichnis der Werke von Johann Joseph Fux, vol. 1, Wien, Hollitzer, 2016

Ludwig Ritter von Köchel, Johann Josef Fux. Hofkompositor und Hofkapellmeister der Kaiser Leopold I., Josef I. und Karl VI. von 1698 bis 1740, Wien, Hölder, 1872 (reprint Hildesheim/New York, Olms, 1974)

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