Schelle, Johann
Dom. 16. post Trin. | Psalm 90, 13. | Herr lehre unß bedencken | à 6. | Violino. | Violetta. | Viola da gamba. | 2 Canti. | Basso. | Continuo à doppio e partitura. | del Sigl | Schelle
«Herr lehre uns bedenken dass wir sterben müssen», for 3 voices, violin, alto, viola da gamba and bc
D-Dl Mus.1857-E-507
Violin and violetta have a scordatura instruction, written in notes at the beginning of the first staff; the viola da gamba has a similar instruction at the end of the instrumental introduction, written in letters (D B d g b d') with the specification «ad sententiam Auctoris, pro lubitu tn».