Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Schannpon (Gioseffo Zamponi?)

work information

Sonata | A 2 Violino, è Viola [di gamba] and basso continuo

vl + vb + bc

D-W, Cod. Guelf. 34.7 Aug.2° (Jakob Ludwig Partitur Buch), n° 50, p. 79-80 (Sign: Schampon)

online copy
further information

In D-W, the second instrument is referred to simply as "Viola" in the title, but both in the musical text – to signal an error of the layout – and in the index it is specified as "Viola di gamba".
The same sonata is found anonymously in F-Pn Rés Vm7 673 Rost , n. 45, with the title A 2 Violino, è Viola . Here, some passages in the low register of the viola da gamba part are transposed an octave higher, thus the resulting range (d-c'') corresponds to that of a viola da braccio.

Thematic index

Michael Fuerst, The Partiturbuch Ludwig: An Introduction and Thematic Catalogue, «The Viola da Gamba Society Journal», 4 (2010), pp. 74-102.

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