Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Arnold, Gregorio (Georg)

work information

Title inside the manuscript: Canzon | A 4. 2 Violin, Brazz, è Bastarda
Title in the index: Canzon [à] 4. Doi Violini, Viola di Brachio, è Violon

2 vl + vla + vb? + bc

D-W, Cod. Guelf. 34.7 Aug.2° (Jakob Ludwig Partitur Buch), pp. 149-151, n° 77

online copy
further information

This Canzon is almost identical with the Canzon 33 in Georg Arnold, Canzoni, ariae et sonatae, Innsbruck, Wagner, 1659 (RISM A/I A 2163).

The term “bastarda” is used in Germany generically for a solistic viol; in fact, also the part of this canzona is concertante without having anything in common with the style of the Italian viola bastarda.

In the printed version, the solo bass part is named “viola o fagotto”, where “viola” most likely refers to the violoncello. The term “violon” in the index does not necessarily indicate the viol either, throughout the manuscript it is used in clear opposition to the viola da gamba.


(print: A/1 A 2163, ID 990002164)

Thematic index

Michael Fuerst, The Partiturbuch Ludwig: An Introduction and Thematic Catalogue, «The Viola da Gamba Society Journal», 4 (2010), pp. 74-102.

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