Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba

Jarzebski, Adam (Harzebsky, Harçebski, Warka z Warki)
ante 1612-1648/1649
work information
9 Concerti a 2, soprano and basso/(viola) bastarda (3. Concerto, 5. Diligam te domine, 6. Cantate Domino, 7. Secunda pars, 8 In deo speravit, 9. In te domine speravi, 10. Susanna videns, 11. Venite esultemus, 12. Cantate Joh. Gabrielis)
Concerti a 3, soprano and 2 bassi/bastarda (15. Concerto Küstrinella, 21. Tamburetta, 23. Norimberga)
Canzoni è Concerti | A Due, Tre, è quattro Voci | Cum Basso Continuo | Di | Adam Harzebsky | Polono | Anno | M. DC. XXVII.
tr + vbast + bc, tr + 2 vbast + bc
D-B mus. ms. 111, Sammlung Bohn (olim PL-WRu 111). 4 part books: Prima vox, Seconda vox, Bassus sive vox tertia, Basso Continuo
copy in PL-Pu
online copy
modern edition(s)
Musedita, IMSLP
further information
The indication «Bastarda» is never found in more than one part book; it is alternated with «basso», or «tenor», or, in one case ( Concerto 3. ), even with «Trombone». The full indication «viola bastarda» appears only in one of the concerts ( Diligam te domine ); in the others it is simply «Bastarda». It is not unlikely that the term is intended for a musical function rather than a specific instrument.
Moreover the ms. contains concertos with unspecified bass instruments.

Joëlle Morton, Redefining the Viola Bastarda: A Most Spurious Subject, «The Viola da Gamba Society Journal», 8, 2014, pp. 1-64.

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