Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Hume, Tobias

1569 ca. - 1645
work information

The First Part of Ayres, French, Polish and others together, some in Tablitur, and some in Pricke-Song: With Pavines, Galliards, and Almaines for the Viole de Gambo alone, and other Musicall Conceites for two Base Viols, expressing five partes, with pleasant reportes one from the other, and for two Leero Viols, and also for the Leero Viole with two Treble Viols, or two with one Treble. Lastly for the Leero Viole to play alone, and some Songes to bee sung to the Viole, with the Lute, or better with the Viole alone. Also an Invention for two to play upon one Viole

place (and editor)

London, John Windet

vb, lv, 2 lv, vs + 2 lv, 2 vs + lv, voxS + lv, voxS + lv + lt

print: GB-Lbl, GB-Mp

Pieces ms in F-Pn ms. Rés 1111, f. 246v (Loves pashion, as an anonymous Allemande); GB-Lbl ms Add. 15117, fol. 23 («Fain would I change that note»); GB-Cu ms Dd 5.20 (Preludium, 1 unpublished Galliard, Captain Hume’s Galliard); GB-Lbl Egerton ms. 2971 (Captain Hume’s Galliard as bass to the song «Gentlie blowe»); GB-Lbl 56279 Stirrop (Loves pashion)

online copy
modern edition(s)

facsimile editions: The Scolar Press; Atelier Philidor;
modern editions: Amadeus; Joëlle Morton (vocal pieces); Pizzicato (choice); Saraband Music (choice)

further information

By 'Viole de Gambo' Hume means the viol in normal tuning, with ‘Leero Viole’ the one in scordatura, regardless of whether it is written in tablature or stave and regardless of the chordal or melodic character of the piece.


A/I: H 7885, ID 990031822

Thematic index

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