Bettina Hoffmann

Catalogue of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba


Hardt, Johann Daniel

1696 - 1763
work information

Sonata 7tima [- Sonata Decima quarta] pour la Dessus de viol et Bass de viol du même Auteur

vs + vb

D-ROu Mus. saec. XVIII 33/18
modern copy in D-B (Klingenberg 33) col titolo 14 Sonates pour le Dessus de viole et Basse de viole op. I

modern edition(s)

Cornetto (Sonata VII e VIII)

further information

These 8 sonatas are the continuation of the Six Sonates a une sitte Viole […], since they were copied by the same scribe in the same manuscript.
The bass part is missing from the last movements of the 13th sonata and from the entire 14th sonata.


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