Ahle, Johann Rudolph, Herr, nun lästu deinen Diener a 5
Anonymous, O Death rock me asleep, MB XXII, n. 1, p. 1
Anonymous, Alas, alack, my heart is woe, MB XXII, n. 2, p. 4
Anonymous, Come tread the paths (Guichardo), MB XXII, n. 3, p. 6
Anonymous, Come, Charon, come, MB XXII, n. 31, p. 91
Anonymous, Farewell the bliss, MB XXII, n. 4, p. 10
Anonymous, How can the tree, MB XXII, n. 17, p. 57
Anonymous, In terrors trapp´d, MB XXII, n. 18, p. 59
Anonymous, Mistrust misdeems amiss, MB XXII, n. 19, p. 61
Anonymous, The saint I serve, MB XXII, n. 20, p. 63
Anonymous, When May is in his prime, MB XXII, n. 23, p. 69
Anonymous, Ah, silly poor Joas, MB XXII, n. 24, p. 75
Anonymous, My little sweet darling, MB XXII, n. 25, p. 77
Anonymous, What first did break thee, MB XXII, n. 37, p. 110
Anonymous, Without redress, MB XXII, n. 26, p. 79
Anonymous, In paradise, MB XXII, n. 27, p. 80
Anonymous, My mind to me, MB XXII, n. 34, p. 101
Anonymous, My heart doth pant for sorrow, MB XXII, n. 35, p. 104
Anonymous, Complain with tears, MB XXII, n. 36, p. 106
Anonymous, Come, Holy Ghost, MB XXII, n. 38, p. 112
Anonymous, The Lord of whom I do depend (In nomine), MB XXII, n. 39, p. 114
Anonymous, O Lord, turn not away thy face, MB XXII, n. 40, p. 116
Anonymous, Born is the Babe, MB XXII, n. 46, p. 128
Anonymous, Of all jolly pastimes, MB XXII, n. 58, p. 159
Anonymous, What meat eats the Spaniard?, MB XXII, n. 59, p. 162
Anonymous, Hold, lingel, hold, MB XXII, n. 60, p. 165
Anonymous, The dark is my delight, MB XXII, n. 61, p. 168
Anonymous, This merry pleasant Spring, MB XXII, n. 62, p. 170
Anonymous, When Daphne from fair Phoebus did fly, MB XXII, n. 63, p. 173
Anonymous, Sweet was the song the Virgin sung, MB XXII, n. 64, p. 175
Arnold, Georg, Adeste quotquot diligitis Jesum Alto solo con 4 viole
Bach, Johann Christoph, Wie bist du denn, o Gott. in Zorn auf mich entbrannt (Lamento)
Bach, Johann Christoph (or Heinrich?) Ach, daß ich Wassers gnug hätte
Bach, Johann Michael, Ach, wie sehnlich wart ich der Zeit Canto solo, con 5 Instrument & Basso Continuo [original clefs] [modernized clefs]
Benett, John, Eliza, her name gives honour, MB XXII, n. 47, p. 130
Benett, John, Venus’ birds, MB XXII, n. 48, p.132
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Gaudens gaudebo in Domino, for bass, violin, bassoon or viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Jesu nostra Redemptio, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salve Jesu summe bonus, for soprano, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Capricornus, Samuel Friedrich, Salvum me fac Deus | a 6 | Basso solo con doi | violin: e tre Viol: d G [more info]
Cobbold, William, For death of her, MB XXII, n. 13, p.41
Cobbold, William, Ye mortal wights, MB XXII, n. 14, p.44
Cobbold, William, Amids my bale, MB XXII, n. 28, p.84
Cobbold, William, The haughty hearts, MB XXII, n. 29, p.86
Cöler, Martin, Gott ist getreu for soprano, violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Cosyn, John, Now Israel may say, MB XXII, n. 41, p.118
Cosyn, John, Except the Lord the house do make, MB XXII, n. 42, p.120
Cosyn, John, Lord, to thee I make my moan, MB XXII, n. 43, p.122
Cosyn, John, Yield unto God, MB XXII, n. 44, p.124
Dowland, John / Wigthorpe, William, Sorrow, come, MB XXII, n. 65, p.178
Ebart, Samuel, Miserere Christe mei e&c. | à 3. Tenore, Violino, Viola da gamba e Organo [more info]
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ach, daß ich doch in meinen Augen hätte, 4 Viol: 2 Vio:d’Gamb e Canto solo
Erben, Johann Balthasar, Ante oculos tuos, Domine. Soprano con tre instromenti
Farrant, Richard, Ah, alas, you salt sea gods (Abradad), MB XXII, n. 7, p.25
Farrant, Richard, O Jove, from stately throne, MB XXII, n. 8, p.29
Fiocco, Joseph Hector, Lamentatio secunda, for soprano, violoncello and b. c.
Flor, Christian, Es ist gnug Herr. Ich bin nicht besser a 6 [more info]
Geist, Christian, Es war aber an der Stätte [more info]
Geist, Christian (?), Auff! ô Norden [more info]
Geist, Christian, Resurrexi et adhuc tecum a 4. Soprano con 2 Violini e viol da gamba [more info]
Giles, Nathaniel, Cease now, vain thoughts, MB XXII, n. 15, p.50
Gletle, Johann Melchior, O benignissime Jesu for soprano, 2 violins, bassoon or trombone or viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Johnson, Edward, Eliza is the fairest Queen, MB XXII, n. 33a, p.99
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Absorta est mors, for alto, 2 violins, viola da gamba and bc [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Hilff Gott, wie glänzet dieses Haus. Sopran + 4 violdigambi
Krieger, Johann Philipp, O Jesu, du mein Leben à 3. Alt, Viol., Violdg. [more info]
Krieger, Johann Philipp, Surgite cum gaudio a 3. Violino, Viola da gamba, Canto e Continuo à Doppio [more info]
Lange, Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, cantata for bass, 2 flauti, viola da gamba and basso continuo [more info]
Mando, Patrick, Like as the day, MB XXII, n. 12, p.39
Meder, Johann Valentin, Sufficit nunc Domine à Canto solo e Cinque Stromenti [more info]
Monteverdi, Claudio (doubtful attribution, more probably by Johann Rosenmüller), Confitebor tibi Domini a 6. Canto solo: con: 5: viole
Mundy, [William?], Fie, fie, my fate, MB XXII, n. 30, p.88
[Nicholson?, Richard], Cuckoo, MB XXII, n. 49, p.134
Nicholson, Richard, In a merry May morn, MB XXII, n. 50, p.136
Nicholson, Richard, Joan, quoth John, MB XXII, n. 51 , p.139
Nicholson, Richard, No more, good herdsman, of thy song, MB XXII, n. 52, p.142
Nicholson, Richard, I am not I of such belief (I), MB XXII, n. 54, p.151
Parsons, Robert, Enforc´d by love and fear, MB XXII, n. 5, p.15
Parsons, Robert, Pour down, your pow´rs divine (Pandolpho I), MB XXII, n. 6a, p.17
Passerini, Francesco (?), Laudate pueri Dominum a 4. Doi Violini e Viol di gamba Con Alto [more info]
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Send forth thy sighs, MB XXII, n. 10, p.34
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Prepare to die , MB XXII, n. 11, p.37
Pattrick, Nathaniel, Climb not too high, MB XXII, n. 32, p.96
Pfleger, Augustin, Iustorum animae a 5. Canto solo con 4 viole
Pfleger, Augustin, O divini amor numinis patris Canto solo & 4 strumenti
Pfleger, Augustin, Si quis est cupiens dapes mellifluas a 6 | Canto solo con doi violini e doi viole da gamba [more info]
Philetari, Didaco, Salve rex Christe fons Misericordiae. Canto solo con 4 viole
Radeck, Johann Martin, Herr wenn ich nur dich habe, for tenor, 2 violins, viola da gamba and b.c. [more info]
Schütz, Heinrich, Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott Canto solo con 5 viole
Selichius, Daniel, Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein a 5. Voce sola, e 4 Violis di Gamba
Senfl, Ludwig, Felices quicumque/Tandernak
Spahn, Johann Ernst, Quasi cedrus exaltata sum a 4. Violino, Viola da gamba, Harpa, Canto con Continuo [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet for soprano, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Bleibe bei uns for tenor, flute, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Mache mich, o Geist der Liebe for alto, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sehet welch eine Liebe for alto, viol and bc [more info]
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich, aria from Sind wir denn Kinder for soprano, oboe d’amore, viol and bc [more info]
Strogers, Nicholas, A doleful deadly pang, MB XXII, n. 9, p.32
Strogers, [Nicholas?], Mistrust not truth, MB XXII, n. 21, p.65
Strogers, [Nicholas], O heav´nly God, MB XXII, n. 22, p.67
Theile, Johann, Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein Soprano e doi viole da gamba, [more info]
Tomkins, John, O thrice-blessed earthbed, MB XXII, n. 16, p.53
Tunder, Franz, Ach Herr, laß deine lieben Engelein, Canto solo con 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, An Wasserflüssen Babylons, Canto e 4 viole
Tunder, Franz, Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme | Canto con 4 viole
Weckmann, Matthias, Kommt her zu mir [more info]
Wilbye, John, Ne reminiscaris, MB XXII, n. 45, p.126
Wigthorpe, William, I am not I of such belief (II), MB XXII, n. 55, p.153
Wigthorpe, William, Were I made juror, MB XXII, n. 56, p.155