Learning from videos

A choice of video lessons on viol technique from the web
Bow technique

“TIC TAC” with the bow in the air

by Vittorio Ghielmi and the Mozarteum viol class

Basic good sound

by Alison Kinder

Bow hold

by Alison Kinder

The Bow Hold and Basic Exercises

by Gail Ann Schroeder, VdGSA

Relaxed Bow-Hold

by Sam Stadlen

Relaxed wrist

by Sam Stadlen

Bow management

by Alison Kinder

Bow control & Management

by Joanna Levine, Fretwork Tutorials

Dotted notes

by Michael Brüssing

On Bow Speed & Arm Weight for Each String

by Josh Lee, VdGSA


by Sam Stadlen

Legato bow stroke

by Sam Stadlen

Bowing with the whole arm

by Sam Stadlen

Messa di voce

by Alison Kinder

Playing chords

by Sam Stadlen

Multiple Bow Gestures

by Laurie Rabut, VdGSA

Plucking with the Bow

by Julie Elhard, VdGSA

Quick notes

by Alison Kinder

Quick notes

by Alison Kinder

Safe and Accurate String Crossing

by Joanna Blendulf, VdGSA

String crossing & bow angle

by Sam Stadlen

String crossing

by Alison Kinder

String crossing

by Joanna Levine, Fretwork Tutorials

Strategic Bowings Part One

by Mary Springfels, VdGSA

Strategic Bowings Part Two

by Mary Springfels, VdGSA


by Michael Brüssing

Left hand technique

Finding a Comfortable Left Hand Position

by Adaiha MacAdam-Somer, VdGSA

Left hand & arm position

by Sam Stadlen

Finger Pressure

by Lisa Terry, VdGSA


by Michael Brüssing


by Lisa Terry, VdGSA

Shifting with slurred notes

by Michael Brüssing

On high positions

by Alison Kinder

Beyond the frets

by Sam Stadlen

Improving Hand Strength and Flexibility

Finger Exercises Away from the Instrument by Catharina Meints, VdGSA

Strengthening the Left Hand

by Judith Davidoff, VdGSA

No Squeeze, Please!

by Julie Elhard, VdGSA

Il vibrato

A historical overview on use and kind of vibrato, by Bettina Hoffmann

Basso continuo on the viol

La realizzazione del basso continuo alla viola da gamba: capriccio o prassi comune?

by Bettina Hoffmann

La realizzazione del basso continuo alla viola da gamba: consigli pratici dalle fonti

by Bettina Hoffmann

Exercises for Playing Continuo

by David Morris, VdGSA

Playing Continuo: Handel A minor Recorder Sonata, 1st movement

by Alison Kinder

From the very beginning

First lesson, by Jonathan Dunford.

This is the first of a serie of 10 lessons for beginners by Jonathan Dunford.

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